HRM/Admin Application Table Configuration
ONLINE_HRM_JAVA_SRVC_TIMEOUT - Holds the timeout value in seconds for Online Gross-to-Net (GTN) calls such as On-line Check (OCHK) and Paycheck Calculator for non-responsive or long running REST calls.
ON_DEMAND_CHK_CLASS - Holds the manager class name that calls the GTN class for online actions such as On-line Check (OHCK) and Paycheck Calculator.
ASYNC_REQ_POLL_INTERVAL - Polling frequency in seconds to check the status of Asynchronous REST call.
REST_REQ_LOG - This table maintains a log of every Asynchronous request made by HRM and the response and return codes. The Job Id (AGNT_ID) of the job is the primary key of this table (REQ_ID) and HRM jobs poll this table with the Job Id and wait for a return code for its request before completing the job.
BS_CATALOG_PARM - Every transformed COBOL job has a job parameter called ENVVAR_CLS_NM, which holds the manager class name for that particular job. This manager class resides in NextGen Payroll and decides which implementing class to be called for the job in question.