Sent Alerts
The Sent tab on the Alerts page lists all alerts that have been sent.
This tab is only visible to authorized users (that is, those associated
with an administrative security role).
Field InformationField Information
1st Column
(Alert Priority) |
Circle with Down Arrow – Low priority
Red Triangle with Left/Right Arrows –
Medium priority
Red Diamond with Up Arrow – High priority |
2nd Column
(Read Status) |
Circle with Dash - Unread
Green Circle with Checkmark - Read |
Message |
message text of the alert, which is also a transition to open
a window to review all the text. |
Type |
field identifies the type of alert with respect to what you
should do with the information:
Info – The alert provides
information to the user, but does not immediate on your
part (for example, "The system will come down for
maintenance at 6 pm").
To-Do – The alert indicates
an action that you need to perform now or in the near
future (for example, "Change your password").
Start Date and
Time |
Date and Time the alert was started (1st attempt at sending). |
End Date and
Time |
Date and Time the alert expires and will be removed. |
Record Level
and Grid ActionsRecord Level
and Grid Actions
Copy – Opens the Create Alert
page with the transferrable parts of the selected past alert in
order to send a similar or same alert again.
Delete – Removes the alert from
the Sent Alerts page for the sender of the alert.