Automated Leave Accrual (AACC)
The Automated Leave Accrual (AACC) transaction is used by the system to generate leave accruals for the employee during a payroll run. This is a system created and processed transaction; however, the user may override the values in this transaction if the values are incorrect. After Automated Leave Accrual transactions are processed, you can see employee leave balances on the leave balance inquiry pages.
The Automated Leave Accrual (AACC) page has the following tabs:
Automated Leave AccrualAutomated Leave Accrual
Use the Automated Leave Accrual tab to identify the employee.
Automated Leave Accrual DetailAutomated Leave Accrual Detail
Use the Automated Leave Accrual Detail tab to enter the leave accrual event information.
The Cash Value Leave Processing field allows you to select the value to indicate which method is to be used when an employee is subject to Cash Value Leave (indicated on Leave Policy Event Type (LPET)). Valid values are:
Blank - Positive amount of hours being accrued for an employee.
Reduce Hours on Specific Date - The negative amount of hours’ entry will be reduced from the employee’s balance on a specific date.
Reduce Hours by FIFO - The negative amount of hours’ entry will be reduced from the employee’s balance on a First In, First Out basis.
The Automated Leave Accrual transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.