Department Specific Data (DEPTD)

The Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transaction allows you to record and view information regarding an employee's home unit, pay and work locations, department-specific identification, seniority, work cycle and timesheet proxy. Additionally, you can record an employee's travel status and other travel policy related information on this page using the Traveler Information section. Note: The Traveler Information can only be entered for an employee's Primary Appointment.

This page also allows you to determine whether an employee is eligible to be a proxy for other employees or not.

Field InformationField Information

This transaction allows you to view the Department information.

This transaction allows you to enter the work, pay, and travel related information.

The values on the travel related fields can only be entered when the Traveler check box is selected. If you try to enter the data manually, upon validation, an error message is issued.

When the Allow Employee Advances check box is selected, it indicates that the employee is eligible to receive the travel advances. If the employee has already received the travel advance and has not settled the same within the time frame defined in the Travel Policy in the expense management system, the employee will become ineligible to receive the future advances until his outstanding expenses are cleared.

The HR administrator needs to manually clear the Allow Employee Advances check box on the Department Specific Data transaction to prevent the employee from receiving future advances. However, once the employee submits the previous outstanding expense the HR administrator may manually select the check box on the Department Specific Data transaction and allow the employee to be eligible to receive future advances once again.

The Department Specific Data transaction contains the following fields:

Field Name


Allow Employee Accounting Changes

This check box indicate whether or not an employee role user is eligible to enter an override accounting information on the employee’s Travel Authorization and Travel Expense Report transactions. By default the check box will be cleared.

Allow Employee Advances

When the Allow Employee Advances check box is selected, it indicates that the employee is eligible to receive the travel advances. If the employee has already received the travel advance and has not settled the same within the time frame defined in the Travel Policy in the expense management system, the employee will become ineligible to receive the future advances until his outstanding expenses are cleared.

The HR administrator needs to manually clear the Allow Employee Advances check box on the Department Specific Data transaction to prevent the employee from receiving future advances. However, once the employee submits the previous outstanding expense the HR administrator may manually select the check box on the Department Specific Data transaction and allow the employee to be eligible to receive future advances once again.

By default this check box is cleared for all employees.

Appointment ID

If this field is blank, the employee data pertains to the employee's primary (blank) appointment.  If the employee holds more than one appointment, this field represents the appropriate appointment identification number for the employee. If this field contains an asterisk (*), the employee data pertains to all appointments.

Department Action

The identification code associated with the department action.

Department Action Description

The short description of the personnel action code.

Department Action Reason

The identification code associated with the department action reason for the corresponding action.

Department Action Reason Description

The short description of the personnel action reason code.

Department Specific ID

The specific identification associated with the department.

Eligible for Proxy Selection

This check box identifies whether or not an employee role user is eligible to be selected as a proxy.

If this check box is selected, then the employee becomes eligible to be selected as a proxy by other employee’s within the same Department. The proxy employee can submit the travel related expense on behalf of the employee who has selected him/her as proxy. By default this flag is cleared.

Note: The value on the other travel related fields can be only be entered when the Traveler check box is selected. If you try to enter the data manually, upon validation an error message will be issued.

Eligible for Timesheet Proxy

If this check box is selected for an employee, the employee becomes eligible to be selected as a proxy by other employees within the same Home Department.

Employee ID

The identification code associated with the employee. The Employee ID is used to identify the employee in the system.  This code can be any combination of letters and numbers and can be from 1 to 10 characters in length. If the Yes/No Flag for the AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is selected, the Employee ID field will be automatically generated and cannot be entered or modified by the user. If the Yes/No Flag is cleared, the Employee ID field on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction must be manually entered by a user.

In order to change an existing employee ID, the Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) can be used. The Generate New ID check box on the EICF form must be checked, and the New Employee ID field must be left blank.

Employee Proxy ID 1  through Employee Proxy ID 5

The Employee Proxy ID 1 through Employee Proxy ID 5 fields are used to enter Employee Proxy ID’s of employees who belong to the same Home Department and also have the Eligible Proxy Selection check box selected.


The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.

Home Department

The identification code associated with the operating entity for which the employee works.

Home Unit

The identification code associated with the management unit to which the employee reports.

Home Unit Description

The description associated with home unit.

Job Share ID

This field identifies a specific Work Schedule Pattern for an employee who is sharing a Work Cycle code with another employee. By identifying a Job Share ID, users can create one Work Cycle code with multiple Work Schedule Patterns.

Labor Distribution Classification

This Labor Distribution Classification field is used to group employees in order to establish event type classifications for which Object and Sub-object override values can be assigned. The Labor Distribution Classification code associated with the group of employees for which a special Object and Sub-object code override will be established.

Classification Description

 The short description associated with the Labor Distribution Classification code.


The full name (last name, first name, and middle initial) of the applicant, employee, dependent, or contact that is being referenced.

Pay Location

The identification code associated with the pay location.

Pay Location Description

The description associated with pay location.

Seniority Date

The seniority date associated with the employee.

Seniority Number

The seniority number associated with the employee.

Supervisor Appointment ID

Supervisor Appointment ID is used to infer Supervisor User IDs during the Document Submit process in workflow.  This allows you to infer a supervisor's Appointment ID in order to route a particular role in workflow.  This field defaults to blank (primary appointment) if not entered.  

Supervisor ID

This field represents the Employee ID of the employee's supervisor.  The Supervisor ID must be a valid Employee ID for the time period specified by the From and To dates.

Supervisor Name

This field represents the name of the employee's supervisor.


The last date for which this information is effective.  The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.


This check box indicates whether the employee is a Traveler or not.

Note: The values on the other travel related fields can only be entered when the Traveler check box is selected. If you try to enter the data manually, upon validation an error message will be issued.

Travel Accounting Profile

This field is used to enter an Accounting Profile that is used on the employee’s Travel Authorization and Travel Expense Report transactions.. These values are defined and maintained in the Advantage Financial application.

Travel Accounting Template

This field is used to enter an Accounting Template that will be used on the employee’s Travel Authorization and Travel Expense Report transactions. These values are defined and maintained in the Advantage Financial application.

Travel Policy

This field defines the Travel Policy associated with an employee. The pick list on this field displays the list of the Travel Policies only when the Traveler check box is selected in the Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transaction.

The Travel Policy is established and maintained in the Advantage Financial application.

Note: The value on the other travel related fields can be only be entered when the Traveler check box is selected. If you try to enter the data manually, upon validation an error message will be issued.

Work Cycle

The identification code associated with the work cycle being defined.

Work Cycle Description

The short description associated to the Work Cycle code.

Work Location

The identification code associated with the work location.

Work Location Description

The description associated with work location.

The Department Specific Data transaction can be created in the following way:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.