Employee Information
The Employee Information (EMPLINFO) inquiry page of the Work Schedule Wizard displays employee information that is relevant to employee scheduling, including an employee’s organizational information, maximum work hours, hourly base pay rate, licenses/certifications, competencies, or service hours/seniority.
Select the Employee Name field, which is a hyperlink on the View/Modify Employee Work Schedules page. A popup page opens displaying the following information relevant to scheduling:
The General Information section displays the Employee ID, Appointment ID, Name, Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Union Labor Agreement, Work Location, Position Number, Maximum Hours Per Day, and Hourly Base Pay Rate.
The Licenses/Certifications grid displays the employee’s license and certifications information.
The Competencies grid displays the employee’s competencies.
The Service/Seniority section displays the employee's ITD Service Hours, ITD Months Served, Seniority Date, and Seniority Number fields. Service Hours are based off the value of the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) WSCH DISPLAY SERVICE HRS TYPE.