Employee Salary Inquiry (QSAL)
The Employee Salary Inquiry (QSAL) inquiry page is used to look up employee salary information. Search criteria include the Employee ID, Selection Date and the Events to include in the query. The Include Events option includes base events (salary and base rate bonus), other base events, base rate and other base rate events, non-base rate events, or all events.
The query results display the employee’s pay rate information as of the date entered on the search window. The Pay Rate tab displays all of the queried employee events in Hourly Amount, Pay Period Amount, Monthly Amount and Annual Amount. The Totals display the sum of the Hourly, Pay Period, Monthly and Yearly amounts based on the selected rows. Events designated as Pay Period Bonuses are displayed as Non-Base. The Base and Other Base fields are blank for this type of bonus.
The Monthly Calculated Salary Pay Rate tab displays all of the selected employee’s pay events that have the Salary Event set as Base Salary Event or Other Base Salary Event on the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) reference page. The Pay Period Rate tab displays all of the selected employee’s pay events that has the Salary Event as blank on the EVNT reference page.
Note when the APPLY FTE PERCENT is set to true on the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) page, the prorated totals for the Base events are projected based on the Percent Full-time value and Pay Class hours of the employee assignment.
When the USE MONTHLY CALC SLRY parameter is set to true on Site Specific Parameter (SPAR), the QSAL inquiry page displays the selected employee’s salaries using the Monthly Calculated Salary logic. For more information on the Monthly Calculated Salary logic refer to the Monthly Calculated Salary section in the CGI Advantage Payroll Processing User Guide.
This page contains the following row-level action:
Go to the Employee Status Maintenance Tab of the Employee Profile Management Activity Folder - The Employee Salary Inquiry Inquiries page supports the ability to create an Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) and Employee Identification Change (EICF) transactions, click the Go to the Employee Status Maintenance Tab of the Employee Profile Management Activity Folder link, which will take you to the Employee Profile Management activity folder, where the Create New Employee, Create Employee Status Maintenance and Create Employee Identification Change Form links will be available.