Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT)
The Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction allows you to establish an employee on the system database. It is also used to record all subsequent personnel actions for a given employee including: terminating and hiring personnel, salary changes, and other changes to an employee's payroll profile. This also enables you to identify when multiple personnel actions have been processed for the employee for an effective date, the order in which these actions were processed, which personnel actions are corrections, along with the ability to identify what values were changed on the historical records. This functionality depends on logged ESMT transactions and will not be available if the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) entry USE ESML LOGGING is set to false.
This transaction includes the following three buttons:
Clear Position AttributesClear Position Attributes
When the Clear Position Attributes button is selected, the values are removed from the following fields:
Assignment Type
Time Class
Union Affiliation
Civil Service Status
Pay Class
Payroll Number
Clear Position OverridesClear Position Overrides
When the Clear Position Overrides button is selected, the values are removed from the following fields:
FLSA Profile
FLSA Exempt Flag
CCOMP Profile
CCOMP Exempt Flag
Pay Policy
Leave Policy
Benefits Policy
Infer from Sub-TitleInfer from Sub-Title
When the Infer from Sub-Title button is selected and the Title, Sub-Title, and From Date fields are entered on the ESMT, the following fields are inferred from Sub-Title (STTL):
Pay Class
Union Local
If the Employment Status, Position Number, Step, Pay Class, Title, Sub-title, Leave Policy, Grade or Leave Progression Start Date field is changed and the leave accrual amount may be affected, then the system uses the effective date of the ESMT to determine if the change impacts any time period already processed by Gross-To-Net (GTN). If the change affects a pay period that has already been processed, a retroactive leave accrual trigger is generated and a message stating that retroactive leave accrual processing has been scheduled for the employee is displayed.
The Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) page has the following tabs:
This tab allows you to enter the employee information.
Note: When the SSN Verification check box on the Personnel Action (PACT) page is selected, Employee Status Maintenance requires the entry of SSN and performs SSN validation. By checking whether the entered SSN already exists in the system, it can be determined whether the hiring is a new hire, a rehire, or an additional appointment. If the entered SSN already exists on the Employee table in the database, an error message is issued.
For the hiring of secondary appointments, SSN verification is not performed regardless of the Personnel Action that is used for the appointment. This allows for existing employees to be hired into secondary appointments with Personnel Action codes that have the SSN Verification flags selected. SSN verification is skipped for ESMTs that are created for non-primary appointments.
When re-hiring an employee who has SSN information in the system, a Personnel Action that has the SSN Verification flag checked cannot be used. If a Personnel Action with the SSN Verification flag selected is used, upon validation an error message is issued, preventing the employee from being re-hired. An employee can only be re-hired using a Personnel Action that has the SSN Verification flag selected and the employee’s SSN does not already exist in the system.
The SSN entered is only an input to the Employee Status Maintenance transaction for this validation purpose and is not saved onto any operational tables in the database. It does not update any employee tables in the database, nor is it stored anywhere but on the ESMT transaction tables. Once the ESMT transaction is processed to Final, SSN is blanked out. The SSN entered is not displayed when navigating back to ESMT transactions that have processed to Final.
Multiple Personnel Action is a display only check box. This check box is set automatically to true if an existing Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) record is being updated with the same effective date.
For example: An ESMT has been submitted for an employee with a personnel action to be effective on 7/1/2013. The employee assignment and Employee Status Maintenance Log records for this time slice would be 7/1/2013 to 12/31/9999. Later, another personnel action is created for the same employee to begin on 7/1/2013. The Multiple Personnel Action check box would be checked to show that a personnel action has already been submitted for this effective date.
The Correction check box is used when you are correcting an existing personnel action for an Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction record with the same effective date. If you select the Correction check box when no ESMT or employee assignment record exists with the same effective date, an error message is issued indicating that a finalized ESMT for the effective date must have already been processed for a correction to be made.
Use the progression dates to indicate the progression information. Enter the Pay Progression Start Date, Benefits Progression Start Date, Leave Progression Start Date, Next Evaluation Date and Step Progression Start Date fields. The Pay Progression Start date is used store the date when the employee is eligible for next pay or merit increment. The Benefits Progression Start date is the date associated with a new hire’s insurance eligibility. The Leave Progression Start date field is used to store the new hire date for employees having continuous service. For a rehired employee, the employee’s previous years of service are added to the Leave Progression Start date, which allows the employee to continue building on his prior seniority level. The Next Evaluation Date field is used to track an employee’s next evaluation date when the Date Advance logic is used.
The Step Progression Start Date field is used in conjunction with the Employee Step Advancement functionality to automate Step increase within a Grade for table driven paid employees. When the Step Advance Processing batch job is ran where employees meet all batch parameter requirements and the date entered in the Step Progression Start Date field falls within their next pay period, the employees are eligible for step advancement. The system will then generate a new Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions with the step increase and with the Step Progression Start Date updated based on what is entered within the Months to Next Step Advance field on Step Placement and Progression Rule (SPPRL) for each employee selected by the Step Advance Processing batch job.
Use the Comments section to enter information regarding why the particular action was taken. You can also view the same information in the ESMT log as well.
The Modified On and Modified By under Employee tab displays the last update time of each record in the table along with the User ID that made the update.
Use Pay Parameters section to enter the Employee's pay parameters. Enter the type of pay in Pay Type, amount or percent indicator in Amount/Percent Indicator and effective period in From date and To date. Selected the flag Bypass From Date Inference to indicate that the From Date for this pay parameter must not be inferred from the header information of Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT). This overrides the Infer ESMT From Date flag on the Personnel Edit Rules (PEDT) page for the specified pay parameter.
The Employee Status Maintenance transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.