Finalize Wizard Session

After viewing the Work Schedule Statistics/Conflicts reports, you can finalize the wizard session by selecting the Finish button or to go back and make additional changes by selecting the Back button.

If all scheduling updates for the wizard session are complete, select the Finish button on the Work Schedule Conflicts/Statistics page. A popup email window is displayed with instructions on who to notify that the Work Schedule Wizard Commit process needs to be submitted for the wizard session. Modify the email message and enter the appropriate email address in the To field in order to notify the appropriate system operator.

Note: The instructions/message body associated with this page are derived from the following Configurable Text (CTEXT) entries:

  • WSCHWCMT is used to display the instructions at the top of the email window regarding whom users should contact to have the wizard session changes committed.

  • WSCHWTXT is used as the body of the email message.

Once you have entered the correct To email address and your notification email address, select the Send button. The email notification will be sent, and the Wizard session is ended. You will be notified when the commit process has completed.