Group Timesheet Query (GTSQ)

The Group Timesheet Query (GTSQ) inquiry page can be used to search Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transactions and their versions using the following search criteria: Transaction Code, Transaction Department, Transaction Unit, Transaction ID, Status, Pay Period Start Date, Pay Period End Date, Timesheet Group, User ID, and Supplemental Pay Cycle. From the results returned on the search, authorized users have the ability to select the Transaction ID link and be presented with the specified group timesheet.

This page contains the following row-level action:

  • Go to Timesheet Group Management - The Group Timesheet Inquiries page supports the ability to create a Timesheet Group transaction, click the Go to the Timesheet Group Management link, which will take you to the Group Timesheet Roster section, where the Create New Group Timesheet link will be available.