Include in Service Hours (ISER)
The Include in Service Hours (ISER) page is used to associate an event to a Service Hours Type. This page allows for multiple events to be associated to a Service Hours Type.
Event Type - The event that should be tied to the Service Hour Type. The event pick is populated by Events where Pay Input Units is Time and Pay Event Type is Pay. This field, along with the Event Type field is the key to the table, and allows you to associate an Event Type to multiple Service Hours Types. Only the Event Types that have the Include in Service Hours flag selected on Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) can be entered here.
Event Type Description - The short description of the Event Type entered. It is inferred from the EVNT table.
Service Hours Type - The identification code associated with the Service Hours Type. The event pick is populated by the Service Hours Types from the Service Hours Type (SERV) page. This field, along with the Event Type field, is the key to the table and allows you to associate a Service Hours Type to multiple Event Types.
Service Hours Type Description - The short description of the Service Hours Type entered. It is inferred from the SERV table.
From - The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.
To - The last date for which this information is effective. The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.