Leave Bank (LBANK)

The Leave Bank (LBANK) page allows you to define Leave Bank Categories that represent Leave Banks in HRM. Leave bank categories can be used by employees to donate leave in the leave bank or withdraw leave during exigency.

Leave Banks support leave bank processing and are used by the employees to donate and borrow leave. Leave banks are established on the Pay and Leave Category (CATG) page and governed by one or more leave policies on the Leave Category (LPCT) page.

Note: A leave bank category defined on the Pay and Leave Category (CATG) page must be set up by specifying Event Type as Leave Bank. Leave Bank categories must be associated with leave policies on the Leave Category (LPCT) page.

Field InformationField Information

The following details the Leave Bank fields.

  • Leave Category: Establish the leave category for the bank.

  • Bank Type: Designate it as an Accumulation bank or Direct Donation  bank. Accumulation bank type is used to accumulate leave donated by employees for distribution to other employees, whereas the Direct Donation bank type is used to donate leave directly to the recipient employee’s account.

  • Positive Enrollment: For Accumulation banks, if the Positive Enrollment check box is selected, employees are required to enroll in the leave bank in order to donate or withdraw leave from it.

For Direct Donation banks, if the Positive Enrollment check box is selected, both the donor and recipient employee are required to be enrolled in the Leave Bank.

  • Donation Event: This must be a usage event. This can be a Leave Type or Leave Bank Type. This event should be a Leave Type for Direct Donation banks. This event will be utilized by the Leave Bank Enrollment (LBNRL) transaction processing initial donations and when creating Donated Leave (DL) transactions.

  • Accrual Event: This must be an accrual event. Must be a leave bank event associated to the same category for the Leave Bank being created. This event will be utilized in the following situations to record accrual of the leave:

  • When leave is transferred to the leave bank.

  • When leave is transferred from the donor or leave bank into the recipient’s leave balance.

  • Donation Amount: Establish a Donation Amount to determine the default amount of leave an employee can donate.

  • Allow Event Overrides: If selected, allows admins and employee users to override the default event (Donation Event) on the Donated Leave transaction. Any usage Event that is valid for the donor employee (via Leave Policy (LPOL)) in which they have leave balance can be used. For example, an employee submits a Donated Leave transaction to donate leave to a recipient’s sick leave. The donor employee would like to use balance from their vacation category rather than the default sick event defined on LBANK and therefore, populates the Donation Event field on Donated Leave to ‘VACU’. See visual charts below.


Leave Category


Bank Type

Direct Donation

Donation Event


Accrual Event


Allow Event Overrides



DL Transaction

Leave Category


Bank Type

Direct Donation


  • Calculate Accrual/Usage Based Upon Pay Rate: When selected for an Accumulation bank, the system will track donated leave in both hours and calculated dollar amounts in the backend but display only the dollar amounts for any associated inquiries (for example, Leave Management (LEAVM), Leave Bank Balance Inquiry (QLVBNK)).

When selected for Direct Donation banks, the system will determine donation and return amounts based upon the ratio of pay rates between the donating and receiving employees. The direct donation bank will only be tracked at the time unit level.

For example, employee ‘A’ makes $10/hour whereas employee ‘B’ makes $20/hour. Employee ‘B’ donates 2 hours of leave balance to employee ‘A’ and because the Calculate Accrual/Usage Based Upon Pay Rate field is set to true, the results are as follows:

Employee ‘A’ receives 4 hours of leave balance due to the pay difference and will display in the Calculated Amount field. Whereas, Employee ‘B’s Calculated Amount field will be blank.

  • Calculate Bank Donation/Transfer based on Leave Policy Ratio: This check box is only valid for the Accumulation banks and system issues an error if the user attempts to save for a direct donation bank.  

When the check box is selected, this indicates that Bank Donations and Bank Transfers should be prorated based on the ratio defined on the Leave Policy field, Ratio For Leave Donation Calculation.  

For example, employee who donates to a Leave Bank with the check box selected and the leave policy field set as 0.5 would calculate as follows.

  • Leave Input 10:00

  • Calculated amount 5:00

In this instance, the bank balance would be updated by 5:00 while the employee balance would decrease by 10:00. In the situation of a Bank Transfer the Bank balance would be decreased by 5:00 and the employee balance increased by 10:00.

  • Leave Category for Minimum Balance: Identifies the leave category that should be considered to check the minimum leave balance during the Donated Leave transaction processing. If the employee’s leave balance falls below the minimum balance specified, the donation of leave does not take place.

  • Minimum Leave Balance: Determine the minimum leave balance that an employee should have in his account to be able to enroll in the leave bank.

  • Minimum Donation Per Transaction: Enter the minimum donation amount for a transaction. For hourly leave types, enter hours and minutes. For non-hourly leave types, enter a value between 0 to 9999.99.

  • Maximum Donation Per Transaction: Enter the maximum donation amount for a transaction. For hourly leave types, enter hours and minutes. For non-hourly leave types, enter a value between 0 to 9999.99.

  • Incremental Units: This field determines the incremental unit per transaction. For hourly leave types, enter hours and minutes. For non-hourly leave types, enter a value between 0 to 9999.99..

  • Maximum Donation Per Year: Enter the maximum donation amount per year. For hourly leave types, enter hours and minutes. For non-hourly leave types, enter a value between 0 to 9999.99.