Leave Usage and Accrual Thresholds
The employee’s leave policy is defined on the Sub-Title (STTL) page, unless it is overridden on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page. When an employee uses or accrues leave, the system checks the minimum and maximum amounts that are allowed for the leave type. The employee’s leave policy type is associated with a code defined on the Leave Category (LPCT) page that is used to set minimum and maximum threshold amounts for leave accruals and usages. The threshold amount defines the minimum and maximum time that an employee can use or accrue for a given leave type. The following settings determine how the system handles the leave if an employee goes above or below the thresholds:
Minimum Threshold - defines the least amount of time an employee can have stored in the leave category. This number can be a negative number. For example, you might want to allow employees to exceed the sick leave balance by two days before an action is taken.
Minimum Disposition - defines the action required if an employee’s balance is lower than the daily minimum threshold (see maximum disposition values below).
Maximum Threshold - defines the most amount of time an employee can have stored in the leave category. For example, you might want to allow employees to accrue up to three weeks of annual leave. If thresholds are expressed in hours, you would enter 120, for 120 hours.
Maximum Disposition - defines the action required if an employee’s balance exceeds the daily maximum threshold.
Accept and Report - processes the leave action, but issues an error and reports that the action is outside of minimum and maximum threshold boundaries on the Leave Exception and Substitution Report.
Prorate and Report - processes the amount that equals the highest threshold amount entered in the minimum and maximum thresholds. The remainder of the input amount is not used and a warning message is displayed to indicate that a partial amount has been taken. Entries for any leave that was not used is included on the Leave Exception and Substitution Report.
Reject - rejects the leave action if the input amount exceeds the defined minimum or maximum balance threshold. An error message is issued.
Substitute Related Leave Type - takes up to the amount available in the original leave category, then substitutes leave from categories specified on Leave Policy Type (LPET). Entries for any substituted leave are included on the Leave Exception and Substitution Report.
Minimum Usage - specifies the minimum leave usage requirement at the Category level. The leave will be paid out only if the employee has met the defined minimum usage requirement and the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) entry ENFORCE MINIMUM LEAVE USAGE has the Yes/No Flag selected. The Minimum Usage hours is used in Vacation leave payout.