Periodic Leave Balance Checking

Although maximum and minimum thresholds amounts are already stored on Leave Category (LPCT) and there are minimum and maximum dispositions that Advantage HRM can handle (Accept and Report, Prorate and Report, Reject, Sub Related Leave Types), these dispositions can only be used for daily threshold amounts, but not for periodic threshold amounts. The Periodic Leave Balance Checking process generates Leave transactions to adjust the leave balances for employees that have exceeded their maximum balance (periodic threshold amount) or have gone below their minimum balance (periodic threshold amount).  

For instance, a State may allow employees to have their annual leave balance exceed a maximum balance during a calendar year; but after leave has been posted through December 31 (actual usages are not posted until the first payroll run in the next calendar year), any excess above the specified maximum is lost.

The Advantage HRM leave tables allow codes to be set indicating that a particular balance is subject to a periodic maximum. The minimum and maximum balances allowed during such periodic checking are defined along with a reference to the action to be taken. The Leave Action (LACT) page provides Transfer From and Transfer To fields which allow a site to identify the leave event codes and signs (for example, positive or negative) to be used in generating leave adjustment transactions. A transaction code, AACC is created for the LEAV transaction type to be used by the Periodic Leave Balance Checking process reads the Leave Summary table and determines the leave balance for all leave event categories with Check Leave Balance flags set to Y, as defined on Pay and Leave Category (CATG). The process then identifies any leave balance that is greater than the maximum threshold amount or less than the minimum threshold amount on Leave Category (LPCT). Automated Accrual (AACC) transactions are created to adjust the leave balance to the maximum/minimum threshold amount, and are then loaded and processed.

This batch process can be run annually in any month, depending on need. The suggested time is after the last payroll run of the calendar year AND after the actual leave usages have been entered into the application in the first payroll run of the next calendar year (since all periodic leave balances will be processed with an annual frequency).