Position Work Schedule (PSCHD)

The Position Work Schedule (PSCHD) transaction allows you to create exceptions to a work schedule for a selected Position Number rather than having to create a new schedule when there are exceptions or changes specific to particular position(s) only.  

The Position Work Schedule (PSCHD) transaction has the following tabs:


Use this tab to enter the details such as Position Number, Work Schedule, Job Share ID, and other fields.

Position Work Schedule DetailsPosition Work Schedule Details

Use this tab to enter the schedule related information. You can define a Default Pay Type for the Schedule Day, indicate the Schedule Change Reason, or defined the Schedule Type and Hours.

You can also enter up to 4 shift related details.

Use the Recurrence section to define the days for which the schedule should repeat as well as the end date for which the recurrence of particular schedule should stop.

The Position Work Schedule transaction can be created in the following way:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.