Reason Code (RSNC)

The Reason Code (RSNC) page allows you to define reason codes to be used on Timesheets (TIMEI) and Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) to give clarity as to why a certain event was entered. Reason Code is only present on Timesheets if setup accordingly on Timesheet Setup (TIMES) for TIMEI and Configure Page (DESIGNER) for TADJ.

Field InformationField Information

The Reason Code page contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

Reason Code

The identification code for Reason Code.

Short Description

The short description of the Reason Code.

Long Description

The long description of the Reason Code.

Reason Type

Defines the Time and Leave Reporting Category value required of the event entered on Timesheet (TIMEI) where Reason Code is used. If it does not match, an error is issued.