Retroactive Leave Accrual Processing
A retroactive leave accrual process can be run on an as-needed basis to pick up all retroactive leave accrual triggers. These triggers may be automatically generated by the system or manually created by the user.
If the Employment Status, Position Number, Step, Pay Class, Title, Sub-title, Leave Policy, Grade or Leave Progression Start Date field is modified on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction, the system uses the Employee Status Maintenance’s effective date to determine if the changes affect any time period during which the employee has already been processed by Gross-To-Net (GTN). If it is found to affect a pay period that has already been processed, then a retroactive leave accrual trigger will be generated and a message that retroactive leave accrual processing has been scheduled for the employee is displayed.
If a timesheet entry is submitted for a time period during which the employee has already been processed by Gross-To-Net (GTN) and the submission may cause the leave accrual amount to differ, the system will generate a retroactive leave accrual trigger. A message stating that retroactive leave accrual processing has been scheduled for the employee is displayed.
Changes to the leave reference tables that may affect employee leave accrual amounts that have already been taken require that the retro triggers for leave accrual processing be entered manually, either for a single employee (through the creation of an RTRG transaction) or for an entire group of affected employees. The Mass Change Requests for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page is used to generate RTRG transactions for the effected employees based on selection criteria.
The Earliest Retroactive Leave Accrual Date field on the Extended Department (DEPTX) page determines the earliest date for which retroactive leave accrual processing may occur. If no entry exists on the DEPTX page, then the system uses the text value for the SPAR entry EARLIEST RETRO LEAVE DATE. When a trigger is created, the trigger start date is edited, and adjusted if needed, against the relevant earliest retroactive leave accrual date value.
Any triggers that have been generated through either automated or manual processes can be manually deleted from the system using the Retroactive Trigger (RTRG) transaction prior to running the Retro Leave Accrual Process job.
The Retro Leave Accrual Process jobs utilize the triggers to calculate and issue the correct leave adjustment amounts for employees and generate a Retro Leave Processing Detail Report.