Setting Up Alternate Leave Accrual Process

This section includes the setup information needed for this process.

Timesheet Adjustment

The Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) transaction contains three fields (Alternate Assignment, Region/Geographic Location and Vessel/Location) to enter the employee’s alternate information on the Assignment Override tab. The Alternate Assignment field contains the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and Region/Vessel in the code and is linked to an alternate leave policy, defined on the Alternate Assignment page.

The Region/Geographic Location field picklist contains the values set up on the Geographic Location (GEOG) reference page, for example, Region Southwest (SW) and Region Southeast (SE).

The Vessel/Location field picklist contains the values set up on the Location (LOCA) reference page.

When the TADJ transaction is submitted, the three fields (Alternate Assignment, Region/Geographic Location and Vessel/Location) are saved to the Pending Payment Assignment table using the same keys as the Pending Payment table by the Time-to-Gross (TTG). The Alternate Leave Policy field is retrieved from the Alternate Assignment table using the Alternate Assignment, TADJ Event Date as the effective date, and Union Local code from the Employee Assignment tables keys. After the record is processed by the Alternate Leave Accrual Processor job, the record is moved to the Pending Payment Assignment History table.

The Alternate Leave Accrual Processor job uses the employee’s Pending Payment Assignment table Alternate Leave Policy to determine if the employee’s Alternate Leave Policy matches the entered leave policy codes from the job parameter. If it matches, then this employee’s Pending Payment Assignment record is processed by the Alternate Leave Accrual Processor job. Using the job parameter leave policy codes, it looks up all the applicable leave events on the Leave Policy Event Type ( LPET) table.

Site Specific Parameter Setup

The following Site Parameters (SPAR) are used to determine each of the elements to be used for leave accrual:

  • USE  SERVICE HOURS FOR LEAVE (set to False),  

  • USE CHART FOR LEAVE FL (set to True),


  • USE PROG ON LEAVE CATEGORY (set to False),

  • USE PROGRESS FOR LEAVE FL (set to True),

  • USE GRADE FOR LEAVE FL (set to False), and

  • USE STEP FOR LEAVE FL (set to False).

Event Type (EVNT) Setup

Service Hours functionality needs to be setup by checking the Include in Service Hours checkbox for pay events that are to be included in the service hour calculation on the Pay and Leave Events Event Type page. Each pay event needs to be linked to a Service Hours Type on the Include In Service Hours (ISER) page. The referenced service hour types are set up on the Service Hours Type (SERV) page. The ‘AMHSLV’ Service Hours Type needs to be setup and used.

Using the selected employee’s Alternate Leave Policy, the Alternate Leave Accrual process looks look up the Leave Policy Event Type (LPET) table and find all Leave Event Types that are valid and effective for the leave policy. Then using the selected employee’s Alternate Leave Policy, Chart code, Progression code, blank Step, blank Grade, and valid Leave Event Types, the Leave Policy Rate (LPRT) table records that are effective for the job parameter start and end dates are retrieved. The Alternate Leave Accrual Processor uses the applicable LPRT table records to calculate the Leave Event Type accrual for each record that is returned and creates the applicable AACC_QUEUE record when the Minimum Pay Period Hours are met. If the Minimum Pay Period Hours are met, then the Leave Event Type accrual amount is prorated. If the full pay period hours, as defined on the LPRT record, are met then the full Leave Event Type accrual is generated. The AACC_QUEUE record has the same Event Date as the Pending Payment Assignment table Effective date. The process then populates the AACC_QUEUE record using the same keys from the Pending Payment Assignment table.

The Alternate Leave Accrual Processor job will also allow for the lump sum accrual of hours when an employee has met the service hour threshold for each CBA. The applicable lump sum accrual amounts will be setup on the LPRT page for each Alternate Leave Policy and the service hours earned threshold. The Alternate Leave Accrual Processor job will create the applicable AACC_QUEUE record for each employee when the service hour threshold is met, using the same keys from the Pending Payment Assignment table (similar to GTN logic) to populate the AACC_QUEUE record.

Leave Accrual Reference Data Setup

Leave Policy

The Automate Leave Accrual flag must be cleared so that it will not be picked up by the regular Gross-to-Net  (GTN) processor. The Leave Year Ending Month indicator should be set to December.

Event Category

The Category on Pay and Leave Category (CATG) represents the categories for leave processing. The Leave Definition for vacation, sick, and personal leave should be set to Hour and Accumulated Day leave should be set to Day. The Leave Category Calculation field should be set to Inception to Date.

Event Category

The Category on Pay and Leave Category (CATG) represents the categories for leave processing. The Leave Definition for vacation, sick, and personal leave should be set to Hour and Accumulated Day leave should be set to Day. The Leave Category Calculation field should be set to Inception to Date.

Leave Policy Category

The Leave Category (LPCT) page must contain all leave categories for a given leave policy. For each category on this page thresholds for a leave balance are defined for daily, monthly, and annual leave processing and leave actions are specified for each out of bounds condition. This page also indicates the frequency of balance checking for a given category.

Note: In order to use the Leave Policy Category (LPCT) reference data from Alternate Leave Accrual Chart Rule (ALACR), the Alternate Assignment (AASGN) page is required to be setup first.

Leave Policy Event Type

The Leave Policy Event Type (LPET) page must contain all valid leave types for a given leave policy. The Leave Accrual flag must be cleared, so that it will not be picked up by the regular GTN processor. If the Leave Frequency is going to be used, then the Leave Frequency code must be defined on Leave Frequency (LEVF) and populated on Leave Policy Event Type (LPET) and Pay Cycle (CYCL). For each leave type entered, leave event parameters such as minimum and maximum amount limits are specified. For the accrual leave events, the Minimum Units Amount and Incremental Units Amount fields should have a value of 1.

Alternate Leave Accrual Chart Rule

The Alternate Leave Accrual Chart Rule (ALACR) page can accommodate the Hire Date constraints.

Leave Progression Rule

The Leave Progression Rule on the Leave Progression Rule (LPRL) can accommodate years of continuous service. The system calculates the length of service based on the Event Date and the Leave Progression Start Date from the employee's assignment record.

Leave Policy Rates

All rate amounts used by the Alternate Leave Accrual Processor are stored on the Leave Policy Rate (LPRT) table. The LPRT page defines the Guaranteed Minimum Accrual, the Minimum Required Hours for accrual, the Standard Required Hours and the Standard Accrual Rate for each leave type . The Guaranteed Minimum Accrual and the Standard Accrual Rate are defined for the leave type and the minimum and standard required hours.

Lump Sum Accrual RatesLump Sum Accrual Rates

The Alternate Leave Accrual Processor job runs the leave accrual process for all employees that have leave policies that are included in the job parameter. When an employee with an applicable leave policy has met the following service hour threshold, then it generates an AACC_QUEUE record for the lump sum accrual of hours for the employee defined in the Standard Accrual Rate field of the LPRT record. The lump sum leave accrual occurs along with the monthly leave accrual during each run of the Alternate Leave Accrual Processor job.