Sub-Title (STTL)

The Sub-Title (STTL) page allows you to identify the set of pay, leave, and deduction policies, the FLSA profile, the Client Compensation profile, and pension system parameters that govern employees in a particular title. You can have multiple sub-titles per title.

If the POSITION CONTROL SITE parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is set to Y, the Union Local, Civil Service Status, Pay Class, and Payroll Number fields are enabled.   These fields, along with Short Description, are then automatically inferred on the Position Status Maintenance (PSMT) transaction.  If the POSITION CONTROL SITE parameter is set to N, these fields are disabled.  For more information on inferring position attributes, refer to the CGI Advantage HRM User’s Guide.

The Last Modified By field displays the User ID of the user who has modified/created the transaction.
The Last Modified On field displays the last modified date and  time.
The Comments field displays comment entered by the user that can hold up to 1500 characters.

Data from STTL can be downloaded into spreadsheet format by clicking the Download action from the Grid Actions menu. Once downloaded, the data can be updated and uploaded back to STTL by selecting Upload from the Grid Actions menu.  The Download action is available when there is at least one record returned as a result of a browse or search action.  When the Download action is selected, all data that was returned as a result of the previous browse or search is selected for download.  Once the download is complete the data can be manipulated using the preferred spreadsheet application and can then be uploaded back to STTL, based on the user’s security setup. If the user can add records to the reference table online they are able to upload records to the table.  If additional security is desired, the System Maintenance Utility job that is triggered by the Upload action can be configured with Job Security to restrict the Upload action.

If you plan to use the Download action, data in the fields on this page should not contain any special characters, including return characters. When opening the downloaded file, if special characters are present in the reference page record, that particular record might be, for example, split into two records in the downloaded file, and the extra records would have to be manually deleted/modified.