Timesheet Management (TIMEA)

The Timesheet Management (TIMEA) page allows you to set controls and settings for the Timesheet (TIMEI) at a detailed level, including Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Policy, Event Type and Union Local. It also controls how clock time is displayed and whether or not it is required.  

The Use Overtime Request check box is used to indicate whether or not to allow a site to use the Overtime Request functionality. When selected, this indicates that the site is allowed to use the Overtime Request functionality.  If the check box is cleared, an error message is issued stating that “Overtime Request functionality is currently not available. Please contact System Administrator” will be displayed. This error prevents users from opening the Overtime Request (OREQ) transaction through the transaction catalog and through the Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder. In such a scenario, the HRM Administrator would have to navigate to the TIMEA reference page and select the Use Overtime Request to enable overtime requests to be entered.

The Accounting Overrides (AORD) page uses the TIMEA page to determine if the following timesheet options are allowed on AORD for an entered Department/Pay Policy/Event combination:

  • Accounting Override Allowed – If cleared, fields in the Fund Accounting and Detail Accounting sections of AORD cannot be entered.

  • Rate Override Allowed – If cleared, fields in the Overrides section of AORD cannot be entered.

  • LDPR Override Allowed – If cleared, the Labor Distribution Override Option and Labor Distribution Profile fields in the Accounting Source section of AORD cannot be entered.

  • Position Override Allowed – If cleared, the Position Number field in the Accounting Source section of AORD cannot be entered.

If the options above are not checked and an override is entered for these details, errors will be issued. These errors will be the same errors that would be issued on the Timesheet transaction if invalid overrides were entered on the TIMEI transaction.

The Requirement Edits section allows you to define individual requirement edits for all Chart of Account (COA) elements utilized by the timesheets.