Time Transaction Catalog (QTRS)
The Time Transaction Catalog (QTRS) inquiry page allows you to search for a time-related transaction or to create a time-related transaction. You can search for a time-related transaction by clicking on Transaction Search and can create a transaction by clicking on Create Transaction.
The QTRS Browse By Department (QTRS_Browse_By_Dept) parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) page determines whether the Transaction Dept field is mandatory on the QTRS page while searching transactions. When the QTRS_Browse_By_Dept parameter is set to True, the Transaction Dept field (along with the Transaction Code) are required at a minimum to search for transactions on the QTRS page. When set to False, the Transaction Code field must be entered along with one of the following fields: Transaction Dept, Transaction ID, Employee ID, Last Name, Home Department, Payroll Number, or Last User ID to search transactions on the QTRS page. The Transaction Dept field is not mandatory, if this parameter is set to False. The default value for this parameter is False.
The system issues error messages under the following circumstances while searching for transactions, if the QTRS_Browse_By_Dept parameter is True on APPCTRL:
A user attempts to search for transactions on the QTRS page without entering a value in the Transaction Dept field.
A user tries to search for transactions after entering a department in the Transaction Dept field that cannot be accessed by the user. Note: If the department is selected using the pick list, the results in the search window are filtered such that only the department(s) that the user has access is displayed on the pick list window.
If the user explicitly enters multiple departments in the Transaction Dept field and the user has access to some but not all of them, the system returns the time transactions that are accessible and issues an error indicating which departments are inaccessible.