Timesheet Automated Event (TMAE)
The Timesheet Automated Event (TMAE) reference page provides the ability to define criteria for a line to auto-generate on Timesheet (TIMEI) and Group Timesheet (TIMEG). This can be done by Criteria Type ‘Daily Threshold’, ‘Pay Period Threshold’, or ‘FLSA Cycle Threshold’.
Field InformationField Information
The Timesheet Automated Event page contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Field Description |
From |
The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
To |
The last date for which this information is effective. The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date. |
Pay Policy |
The identification code associated with the Pay Policy. |
Home Department |
The identification code associated with the operating entity for which the employee works. |
Home Unit |
The identification code associated with the management unit to which the employee reports. |
Union Local |
The identification code associated with the union local. |
Employment Status |
The identification code associated with the employment status. |
Time Class |
The identification code associated with the time class. |
Generated Pay Event |
The event identified in this field is used for the line that is auto-generated. |
Criteria Type |
Options are:
Short Description |
The short description of the Timesheet Automated Event entry. |
Long Description |
The long description of the Timesheet Automated Event entry. |
Message Code |
Allows you to define which message from the Messages (MESG) page should generate for the Timesheet Automated Event entry. This field is not required and if left blank, the original message associated to the Timesheet Automated Event entry is used. |
Event List ID |
The auto-generated event functionality applies when there are events on the Timesheet (TIMEI or TIMEG) that are identified within the Event List ID defined. Note, this does not apply to Criteria Type ‘FLSA Cycle Threshold’. |
Threshold |
Allows you to specify the maximum threshold for the specified events defined on the TSEDEL page. When this is exceeded, the excess hours are deducted from the “base” hours and added to the auto-generated line. Note, this field does not apply to Criteria Type ‘FLSA Cycle Threshold’. |
Generated Hours |
Allows you to specify the exact hours to be generated if the Threshold is exceeded and the “base” hours remain as is. Note, this field does not apply to Criteria Type ‘FLSA Cycle Threshold’. |
Generated FLSA Cap Event |
The event identified in this field is used for the line that is auto-generated for the FLSA Cap. Note, this is optional and only applies when Criteria Type is set to ‘FLSA Cycle Threshold’. |
FLSA Cap Event List ID |
When there are events on the Timesheet (TIMEI or TIMEG) that are identified within the FLSA Cap Event List ID defined, then the total hours of the timesheet is compared to the threshold on FCHR. If it exceeds it, an auto-generated line is added to the timesheet reflecting the amount that is over the threshold up to the amount on the events total from within this list. Then, this same amount is deducted from the original hours. Note, this is optional and only applies when Criteria Type is set to ‘FLSA Cycle Threshold’. |
Regarding the auto-generated line functionality:
The auto-generated line is editable. However, if you prefer it to be non-editable, a configurable formula can be added to address this.
If the Timesheet is edited after Validate, the system generated line is Not added back to the original line for recalculation on the Validate action. Logic uses the hours as they currently are for calculation.
This does Not replicate or replace GTN FLSA and Automated Pay functionality.
Time In/Out is Not calculated on the auto-generated line.
Overrides are Not determined on the auto-generated line.
Regarding the FLSA Cap Event functionality for FLSA Cycle Threshold:
The FLSA Cap Event List ID should include all Leave/Pay Events that are possible to be generated, including those from Leave Substitution.
The list doesn’t include any events that are counted toward FLSA.
If an event is FLSA and is in the list, it is counted twice toward this total and the FLSA hours total.
If Timesheet does not have enough base hours, logic stops once base hours are depleted.
If there should be more hours left over, an informational message is generated for the user to input in changes as needed.
This is to avoid overpayments by the system generated lines.
Hours for FLSA events take priority in reducing base hours on the Timesheet.
A Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) needs to be submitted to reduce the base hours and add associated events that is unable to be calculated.
TADJ will have correctly reduced/increased related events and not caused FLSA thresholds to have run over.
An additional TADJ would need to be submitted to correct the hours.