Timesheet Group Management (TSGM)

The Timesheet Group Management (TSGM) activity folder provides one location to view Timesheet Groups or employees that are part of a Timesheet Group, and the ability to view, create or modify a Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transaction for the Timesheet Group.

The Timesheet Group Management (TSGM) activity folder contains the following sections:

Timesheet GroupTimesheet Group

The Timesheet Group section displays and allows users to view the existing Timesheet Group information from the Timesheet Group (TSG) reference page.  Once the desired group is selected, further information can be retrieved when selecting the sections in the secondary navigation panel.

Group RosterGroup Roster

The Group Roster section displays, in a grid format, the employees that are currently in the Timesheet Group. This is a place for users to easily review which employee will be part of a TIMEG transaction if one were to be created for the Timesheet Group selected in the Group section of this activity folder. The information is for display only and cannot be modified. The Group Roster information can only be modified on the Timesheet Group Roster section of the TSG page.

Group Timesheet RosterGroup Timesheet Roster

The Group Timesheet Roster section displays all of the TIMEG transactions that exist for a Timesheet Group in a grid. A TIMEG transaction can also be created on this section by selecting the ‘Create New Group Timesheet’ link. Existing TIMEG transactions within the grid can also be reviewed or modified by selecting the transaction link.

Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.