Timesheet Group Reference (TSG)
The Timesheet Group (TSG) reference page supports the designation of employees to a timesheet group for use on the Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transaction. User access to defined Timesheet Group references is restricted to only those users who created the Timesheet Group reference, or to users who have been designated as a proxy. The Timesheet Group page has two sections; one section to define the Timesheet Group and the second section to allow a timekeeper to associate employees from multiple departments/units, pay, and work locations to the Timesheet Group. The grid at the top of the page on the first section displays all the defined Timesheet Groups.
The second section associated to the Timesheet Group reference page is the Timesheet Group Roster section. This page contains a grid section displaying employees who are associated with the selected Timesheet Group: Current Employee(s) Assigned to Timesheet Group, and a lower grid section where users can search and select which employee(s) are to be associated with the Timesheet Group: Available Employee(s). Note: An employee can be assigned to multiple timesheet groups at any given time.
The TSG page also allows you to indicate if a Timesheet Group transaction is allowed to use summary hours, via the Allow Summary Hours check box. In addition to this check box, a First Day Standard Hours % can be used to indicate when the TIMEG Easy Fill button should infer summary hours. The % of hours for the first day is calculated based on the value entered on TSG, and the remaining hours are entered on the last day