Timesheet Proxy (PROXY)
This page allows you to nominate a timesheet proxy for an employee. (Proxies are the employees whom you select/nominate to act on the other employee behalf in his/her absence.) You must use the Employee ID pick list to select the Employee ID, direct entry is not allowed for security reasons. The pick list provides you the list of eligible employees to be selected. You can select Appointment ID from the pick list and nominate a timesheet proxy for an employee using the Proxy ID pick list. You can assign any number of timesheet proxies for the employee for each appointment. Each record should be employee and proxy appointment specific. The employee and proxy must belong to the same department.
The Proxy ID pick list filters Employee IDs based on the selected Employee ID/Appointment ID's department and based on the Eligible to be a Proxy check box in Department Specific Data (DEPTD) for the proxy. The Timesheet Proxy page enables you to see the status of the assigned timesheet proxies whether they are In Active, Active or Upcoming based on the From and To dates selected for the timesheet proxies. This page is timeline maintained.
The Timesheet Proxy can also be created via selecting the Create action on the Timesheet Proxy carousel tile from the Timesheet Landing Page (TIMELP).