Timesheet Setup (TIMES)
The Timesheet Setup (TIMES) reference page allows the configuration of timesheet options. Options on Timesheet Setup allow administrators to configure clock time (time-in/out) requirements. The options are configured for employees on the basis of the employee’s Department, Unit, Union Local and Pay Policy as designated in the General Information section of the page.
This page also allows you to configure whether or not the Other Activity, Equipment Usage, and Daily Activity sections should be accessible on the Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction. If any of these options are set to not allowed, the sections will not appear on the Timesheet, they will not be accessible.
The Timesheet Setup page also enables you to configure additional timesheet functions including: Automatic Fill function, Allow Certification indicator, Blend Default Accounting, Prior Pay Period Adjustment Limit, Accounting Override and Display Weekly Totals, Modify Approved Timesheet Allowed and so on.
This page also authorizes the administrator to lock Timesheet (TIMEI) and Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) transactions for a duration of time based on the Department, Unit, Union Local, Pay Policy, and Pay Period dates.
Field InformationField Information
The Allow Daily Activity field identifies whether or not the Daily Activity tab on the Timesheet transaction should be accessible to the user.
When selected, users can access the Daily Activity tab on the Timesheet transaction.
When cleared, the Daily Activity tab will not be displayed on the Timesheet transaction.
The Allow Other Activity field identifies whether or not the Other Activity tab on the Timesheet transaction should be accessible to the user.
When selected, users can access the Other Activity tab on Timesheet.
When cleared, the Other Activity tab will not be displayed on the Timesheet transaction.
The Allow Equipment Usage field identifies whether or not the Equipment Usage tab on the Timesheet transaction should be accessible to the user.
When selected, users can access the Equipment Usage tab on the Timesheet transaction.
When cleared, the Equipment Usage tab will not be displayed on the Timesheet.
The Display Weekly Totals check box controls whether or not weekly totals are displayed on an employee’s timesheet’s Time Entry and Daily Activity tabs. If the check box is cleared, weekly totals do not appear on the timesheet. If the check box is selected, and the employee must be paid biweekly, then the employee’s total hours for each week of the pay period appear in Week 1 and Week 2 columns for each event line on the Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction.
If the Automatically Fill check box is selected, event type and hour details will be automatically populated on the Timesheet transaction. If this check box is cleared, the user can use Easy Fill or enter the event and hours details manually.
The Pay Period Validation check box controls the creation, validation and submission of the future timesheet, if the selected pay period on a Timesheet exceeds the current pay period set on the Pay Period (PERD) reference page.
The Pay Period Validation check box specifies the type of message, if any, should be issued on the future pay period timesheet. When this check box is selected, the following validations is performed for a future pay period timesheet based on the error message severity configured on the Message reference page:
If the Severity field is set to Information, the system will allow the users to submit the timesheet and the system will display an informational message.
If the Severity field is set to Warning, the system will allow the users to create and submit the timesheet and the system will display a warning message.
Note: If a user selects the Submit button without validating the Timesheet transaction, the system will first validate it by issuing a warning message and when the user selects the Submit button again the Timesheet transaction will be submitted.
If the Severity field is set to Error, the system stops the user from creating the timesheet by issuing an error message.
If the Severity field is set to Severe, the system stops the user from creating the timesheet by issuing an error message.
When this check box is cleared the above future pay period validation will be ignored and the user can create or submit the future pay period and no message will be issued on any future pay period timesheet.
The Number of Past Pay Periods Allowed and Number of Future Pay Periods Allowed fields allows you to configure the number of the pay periods that will be displayed on the Create Timesheet page on the Timesheet and Leave Landing page based on your current pay period.
The Schedule Validation field enables you to validate scheduled hours of an employee on a timesheet with the entered base pay hours. This validation can be set to Daily, Pay Period or Both. For example, if the drop down value for this field is set to Daily, the validation will occur against the scheduled hours per day with total input base hours per day. If this field is set to Pay Period, the validation will occur against the total scheduled hours for entire pay period with total input base hours for entire pay period.
The Schedule Validation Severity field specifies the type of message, if any, should be issued on the timesheet transaction when a timesheet’s daily total base hours differ from the timesheet’s scheduled hours. Valid values for this field are: Blank, Error, Information, Severe, and Warning. When the Timesheet’s daily total base hours differ from the Scheduled hours, an error message will be issued based on the following:
If this field is set to Blank then no message will be generated.
If this field is set to Information, an informational message will be issued.
If this field is set to Warning, a warning message will be generated.
If this field is set to Error, an error message will be issued.
If this field is set to Severe, a severe error message will be issued.
Note: This field is required when the Schedule Validation field is set to Daily, Pay Period, or Both.
The Maximum Hours field is used to define the maximum event type hours the employees can enter on their timesheets for a twelve month period.
The Year Ending Month field identifies month period ends for the specified employment status. Valid values on this field are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.
The Allow Certification check box determines whether or not an employee/supervisor will be able to certify a Timesheet transaction if its is submitted/approved on behalf of them respectively.
The Modify Approved Timesheet Allowed field identifies whether or not the Modify option should be displayed in a Timesheet under the page-level menu for user in employees role to modify a timesheet that has already gone through the approval process when Timesheet versioning is allowed.
The TIMEI Prior Pay Period Adjustment Limit field is used to define the time limits for the Timesheet transaction adjustment for prior pay period. The Timesheet transaction falling out of the specified time limit is not allowed for modification, timesheet transactions falling within the specified time limit are allowed for changes/new versioning.
This is a numeric field, and only positive integer values are allowed on this field. Valid values are 0-99.
The Timesheet Archive Limit in Months field is used to limit timesheet archiving defined on number of months. Timesheet (TIMEI) and Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) transactions falling within the retention period will not be archived.
The Timesheet transaction with phase Final or Conflict Draft, and the Timesheet Adjustment transactions with phase Final are selected for the archive process.
This is a numeric field, and only positive integer values are allowed on this field. Valid values are 0-99.
Proxy Submission Notification identifies if emails, alerts, both, or none will be sent when timesheet transactions are submitted by a proxy (a user other than the employee).
Batch Submission Notification identifies if emails, alerts, both, or none will be sent when timesheets are submitted via System Maintenance Utility (SMU) (for example, Generate Default Timesheets batch job and Advantage Connect).
The Remove Zero Hour Lines check box determines whether or not a row on the Time Entry tab of a Timesheet will be deleted automatically upon submission if there are no hours populated on the row. If a timesheet has only zero hour lines, all but one of the lines will be deleted upon submission. A warning message will be issued upon validation of the Timesheet.
The Fill Shift Details flag controls whether or not the shift details populate on the Timesheet (TIMEI).
When the Fill Shift Details flag is checked on Timesheet Setup (TIMES), the reduce base pay logic on Timesheet Event Selection (TSHT) is bypassed and the shift Overrides and Locations display by line.
When the Fill Shift Details flag is unchecked on TIMES, the reduce base pay logic on TSHT is not bypassed and the shift Overrides and Locations do not display by line.
The Remove Zero Hour Days check box determines whether or not any ‘Day’ fields within the Time Entry tab of a Timesheet will automatically be updated to blank upon submission. An informational message will be issued upon validation of the Timesheet.
The Allow Timesheet Templates drop down enables you to save a Draft, Pending, or Final timesheet as a My Template and load it to a draft timesheet, as well as load a Master Template to a draft timesheet. When this drop down is set to My Template, Master Template, or Both, the Remove Zero Hour Lines field is required to be checked as well. When a template is used for a timesheet and not all lines are populated, the Remove Zero Hour Lines logic deletes the zero hour line(s) upon submission to prevent unused lines from being processed.
The Pay Period Schedule Validation field allows you to verify an employee's scheduled hours on a Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction with the base pay hours or other Time and Leave Reporting Category event hours, depending on the selected drop-down option. This validation can be configured to either Base Pay + Others or Total Hours.
For instance, if the drop-down value is Base Pay + Other, the validation is performed against events with the Time and Leave Reporting Category set as Base Pay or Other in the Event page. If the field is set to Total Hours, the validation is performed against any or all of the Time and Leave Reporting Category fields.
The Disable Versioning on Draft check box controls whether or not the versioning is allowed for draft timesheets.
When the Disable Versioning on Draft check box is checked on Timesheet Setup (TIMES), the draft Timesheets (TIMEI) will not create versions irrespective of users edit the Timesheet.
When the Disable Versioning on Draft check box is unchecked on TIMES, the draft Timesheets will create versions whenever different users edit the Timesheets.
By default the Disable Versioning on Draft check box is unchecked.
Note: This doesn't impact the existing versioning functionality for final Timesheets.
The Disable Create Timesheet Draft on Current Timesheet check box determines whether draft timesheets are created when the Current Timesheet quick link is selected.
When the check box is checked, and if no timesheet exists for the calculated period, a draft timesheet is not created when the Current Timesheet quick link is selected.
When unchecked, if no timesheet exists for the calculated period, a draft timesheet is created when the Current Timesheet quick link is selected.
The Allow Reason Code check box determines if Reason Code is to be available on the Timesheet.
The Time In/Out section authorizes the administrator to enable or disable the Time Clocks on the Timesheet transaction.
The Clock Time field allows you configure whether the user can enter the Time In / Time Out values in the timesheet event line. If the field is set to Optional the user may or may not enter the Time In/ Out values. If the field is set to Required the user must enter the Time In/ Out values. If the field is set Not Allowed, the Time In/Out icon will not be displayed on the Timesheet transaction.
Note: The Clock Time field is mutually exclusive with Clock Time Required check box on Timesheet Administration (TIMEA) reference page.
The Clock Events field allows the specification of the number of clock events available each day on the timesheet in the Time-In / Time-Out modal window/page. This is an optional field. Minimum of 1 shift and maximum of 4 shifts can be configured per day.
Note: If Clock Time field is set to Optional or Required then the Clock Events will be a required field.
The Rounding Rules field specifies how to round the entered time to the next eligible increment in a timesheet. By default, the field is set to N/A.
Valid values are:
N/A - The employee will not be displayed with the panel for rounded time in/out.
5 Minutes - Rounding will be to the nearest 5 minutes in the timesheet.
6 Minutes- Rounding will be to the nearest one-tenth in the timesheet
15 Minutes - Rounding will be quarter of an hour in the timesheet.
When the Midnight Shift Validation field is set to Fill Missing Time the system auto populates the missing Time-In or Time- Out entry for a shift that crosses midnight. When this field is set to Error the system issues an error when a Time-In or Out is missing for any given day even if the shift crosses midnight. When set to Add to Start Day, the total hours calculated for a shift crossing midnight populates on the day that the shift started, rather than populating on both days that time was logged. Likewise, when set to Add to End Day, the total hours for a shift crossing midnight populates on the day the shift ended.
The Overrides section determines the availability of particular fields to override for the employee. Check boxes that are selected indicate the corresponding fields will be visible (and available) in the Timesheet (TIMEI) for the designated group of employees, while those fields with check boxes that are cleared will be hidden.
The Lag Days field allows you to configure the number of days to be added to the current pay cycle end date (based on the system date) in order to determine the timesheet to open/create when using the Current Timesheet quick link.
The Modify Event field allows you to define if managers, Clock employees, or both are allowed to update Event information on Past Punches (PPUN).
The Modify Punches field allows you to define if managers, Clock employees, or both are allowed to update punch (clock in and out) information on Past Punches.
The Modify Overrides field allows you to define if managers, Clock employees, or both are allowed to update Override information on Past Punches.
The Modify Location field allows you to define if managers, Clock employees, or both are allowed to update Location information on Past Punches.
The Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page is used by the Accounting Overrides (AORD) page to define the Chart of Accounts that are allowed to be entered for a Department/Unit/Union Local/Pay Policy combination. Only accounting overrides that are checked in the Overrides section of the TIMES reference page are displayed on the Timesheet. For example, if all attributes are checked, then only the unchecked fields will be restricted from having displayed.
The Overrides section allows you to specify the order in which the corresponding Chart of Accounts (COA) overrides fields will display on the employee's timesheet.
The COA override fields’ display order numbers are based on rows from left to right and top to bottom. For example, display order 1 will display at in row 1, column 1, display order 2 will display in row 1, column 2, and so on until the first row is populated.
The value entered into the each COA override Display Order field must be unique. No two COA overrides can have the same Display Order number.
The Display Order must be entered for each selected COA override fields and the Display Order must be a whole number.
Note: The Display Order functionality is only applicable for the following sections on the Timesheet: Timesheet Details, Daily Activity, and Equipment Usage sections. The Display Order functionality is not applicable for the Other Activity section.
The Accounting Overrides field determines whether the accounting override fields will be available on the Timesheet transaction. If this field is set to “Not Allowed” users will not be allowed to select any Chart of Account fields available on this reference page.
The Assignment Overrides field allows you to configure whether or not override the assignment values on a Timesheet transaction event lines. If this field is set to Allowed, the assignment override scalar will be available on the Timesheet on each event line on the Time Entry tab for the user’s input. If this field is set to Not Allowed, the assignment override scalar will not be available.
When the Blend Default Accounting check box is selected the system will blend your default accounting values along with the entered Chart of Account (COA) values on the timesheet transaction that will be processed in the payroll run. Blending will follow the accounting hierarchy as defined in Advantage, except Employee Pay Period Accounting Data (EPPA) and Event Accounting Matrix (EVAM).
Note: This feature is only applicable for the Entered Accounting option on the Timesheet, Time Entry tab.
The Locks section authorizes the administrator to lock the Timesheet and Timesheet Adjustment transaction for a specific duration.
If the Lock TIMEI check box is selected the Timesheet transaction will be locked, the user cannot submit the Timesheet until and unless the check box is cleared.
The Lock TIMEI/TADJ check box is used to prevent the Timesheet (TIMEI) and Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) transactions from being submitted, approved or rejected.
When this check box is selected, the Timesheet, and Timesheet Adjustment transaction submissions, approvals, and rejections will be locked for further payroll updates created by these transactions.
If the Lock TIMEI/TADJ is applied and any Timesheet or Timesheet Adjustment transaction is submitted, approved, or rejected, the user will get an error message indicating that timesheet submissions are locked. However, the user can create, save, and validate new Timesheet, and Timesheet Adjustment transaction or modify, save, and validate existing Timesheet transactions.
When the Lock Employee Timesheet check box is selected, the system locks all Timesheet transaction submissions to prevent further payroll updates created by Timesheet transaction within Advantage.
When this check box is selected, the Timesheet transaction will be in read-only mode. The employee can open and view an existing Timesheet but cannot create or modify the transaction.
Note: The submission, approval, and rejection of Timesheet, and Timesheet Adjustment transactions will still occur when the Lock Employee Timesheets check box is selected. This flexibility allows users to continue to process these timesheets if necessary.
The Lock Start Date and Lock End Date fields allows you to lock the Timesheet for a specified period. Along with the date, you can also specify the time in the Lock Start Time and Lock End Time fields. Within the specified date and time, a user cannot create Timesheets. Once the specified date and time is passed, the user is allowed to create the Timesheet.
Note: When Lock TIMEI, Lock TIMEI/TADJ, or Lock Employee Timesheet check boxes are selected, the Lock Start Date and Lock End Date fields must be entered.
The time format in the time fields are displayed based on the TIMESHEET CLOCK TIME DISPLAY SPAR parameter.
If the Text Value field of the parameter is set to NORMAL - The time format will be 12 hours.
If the Text Value field of the parameter is set to MILITARY - The time format will be 24 hours.
You can also lock specific pay period timesheets to be submitted/approved by employee/manager during the locking period. When Pay Period Start Date and Pay Period End Date are defined, timesheet transactions that have the same pay period dates and are impacted by Lock TIMEI, Lock TIMEI/TADJ, and Lock Employee Timesheets will issue the lock error messages if it is submitted, approved, or rejected.
Note: The locks will not be applicable for any batch job that creates, submits the Timesheets/Timesheet Adjustment transactions.
The Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page is used by the Accounting Overrides (AORD) page to define the available accounting overrides that can be entered for a Department/Unit/Union Local/Pay Policy combination. Only accounting overrides that are checked in the Overrides section of the TIMES reference page are available for entry. For example, if all attributes are checked, with the exception of Program and Phrase, then only the unchecked fields will be restricted from having data entered. In this case, the Program and Phrase fields would issue errors if data was entered for them.