Verify/Create Work Schedules
The Verify/Create Work Schedules page is the first step in the wizard process and is a view only inquiry of the Work Day table. The Verify/Create Work Schedules page allows you to view the work schedules that meet the selection criteria entered on the Splash page, or to further filter by selecting a specific work schedule.
This page contains the following sections:
A grid displays a list of work schedules that meet the selection criteria. Fields in the grid include, Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Work Location, Work Cycle, Work Cycle Desc, Job Share ID, From, and To. Data can be sorted by Home Department, Home Unit, Work Location, Union Local, and Work Cycle fields.
The calendar section displays the data from the Work Day table for the selected Work Cycle and Selection Date in a monthly calendar view. Schedule information is displayed for the month in which the Selection Date falls, beginning with the first day of the month. Each day of the month (i.e. Jan 1) is a hyperlink, which, when selected, will refresh the information in the Scalar section with the data for the selected date. Below the hyperlink for each day, the Schedule Type and total hours for the schedule date are displayed.
The General Information section displays the following information for the Work Schedule that is selected from the grid. These fields are display only: Home Department, Home Department Desc, Home Unit, Home Unit Desc, Union Local, Union Local Desc, Work Location, Work Location Desc, Work Cycle, Work Cycle Desc, and Job Share ID.
The Schedule Information section displays the information for the selected Work Cycle and Selection Date. These fields are display only: Schedule Date, Schedule Type, Daylight Savings Change, and Default Pay Type.
The Shift Details sections display the information for the four shifts defined on Work Day (WDAY) for the Work Cycle/Selection Date. These sections include the following fields: Shift 1 Desc through Shift 4 Desc, Start Time 1 through Start Time 4, End Time 1 through End Time 4, Shift 1 Pay Type through Shift 4 Pay Type, Shift 1 Pay Type Desc through Shift 4 Pay Type 4, and Shift 1 Comments through Shift 4 Comments.