Creating/Modifying a Timesheet Group (TSG)
The Timesheet Group (TSG) reference page supports the designation of employees to a timesheet group for use on the Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transaction. User access to defined Timesheet Group references is restricted to only those users who created the Timesheet Group reference, or to users who have been designated as a proxy. This reference page has two sections; one section to define the Timesheet Group and the second section to allow a timekeeper to associate employees from multiple departments/units, pay and work locations to the Timesheet Group. The grid at the top of the page on the first section displays all the defined Timesheet Groups. This grid utilizes existing grid functionality for a user to delete a row, insert a row, copy and paste rows, or search for existing timesheet groups. The grid displays the following read-only columns: Timesheet Group, Short Description, and User ID.
The second tab associated to the Timesheet Group reference page is the Timesheet Group Roster tab. This page contains a grid section displaying employees who are associated with the selected Timesheet Group: Current Employee(s) Assigned to Timesheet Group, and a lower grid section where users can search and select which employee(s) are to be associated with the Timesheet Group: Available Employee(s). Note: An employee can be assigned to multiple timesheet groups at any given time.
Creating a New Timesheet Group (TSG)
To define a new Timesheet Group, access the Timesheet Group (TSG) page and perform the following steps:
Enter a Timesheet Group Name and short and long descriptions to be associated to the Timesheet Group. The User ID field is display-only and defaults to the current User ID. Also, select a proxy/proxies to which read and write access to the defined Timesheet Group should be granted.
Select Timesheet Group Roster in the secondary navigation panel and then search and select the employee(s) who should be associated to the Timesheet Group. Select the Search function in the Available Employee(s) section to set criteria to retrieve employee(s) to be associated to the timesheet group. Both positive and exception paid employees and active employees can be selected. Employee(s) are returned per the search criteria entered.
Click the check box next to the employee(s) that should be associated and select the up arrow button. Note: Changes are automatically saved upon selection of up or down arrow buttons.
Select Close to exit the Timesheet Group (TSG) page.
Modifying an Existing Timesheet Group
To modify an existing Timesheet Group reference, access the Timesheet Group (TSG) and perform the following steps:
Select the Timesheet Group to be modified. Changes to the Timesheet Group description or proxies can be made.
If employees are to be removed from or added to the Timesheet Group, select the Timesheet Group Roster section.
To remove employees from the Timesheet Group, click the check box associated with any employees that are to be removed from the Current Employee(s) Assigned to Timesheet Group grid. Selects the down arrow option, and the selected employees are removed from the Current Employee(s) Assigned to Timesheet Group grid and will be available in the lower grid.
To add employees to the Timesheet Group, search for the employee(s) to be added, click the check box next to their row, and then select the up arrow button. The employee is added to the Current Employee(s) Assigned to Timesheet Group grid.
Select Close to exit the Timesheet Group (TSG) page.