Additional Transaction Information Entry
The Additional Transaction Information page is accessed from either the Smart Menu or the transaction level menu in any phase of a transaction. When this type of information exists for a transaction, the Additional Transaction Information icon on the Smart Menu includes a red circle at the top.
The Additional Transaction Information feature is optional and very open as the following points describe:
An Additional Transaction Information record is never required by the application.
There is no limitation for Additional Transaction Information Type to a given transaction, meaning all Additional Transaction Information Types can be used on all transaction types.
There is no editing to ensure an Additional Transaction Information record is completed correctly as intended. That type of verification process is done either at approval or with reporting.
The following list details the relationship between a transaction and an Additional Transaction Information record:
Archive – Additional Transaction Information records associated with the transaction are also archived with the transaction. As Additional Transaction Information records are not version-specific, that information is not archived when a transaction with a Transaction Phase of Historical (Final) is archived.
Unarchive – Additional Transaction Information records are restored along with the transaction, thus permitting online users to view the transaction’s associated Additional Transaction Information again.
View Archived Transaction – Additional Transaction Information records are not viewable on an archived transaction.
Export – Additional Transaction Information records are not exported out to an XML with the transaction.
Import – Additional Transaction Information records are imported with a transaction that is being imported. The import of a transaction with a Transaction ID defined in the XML is the preferred method to import transactions with Additional Transaction Information. However, if Advantage has to generate the Transaction ID while importing the transaction, a process will have to be in place outside of the system to pull the generated Transaction IDs from the detail report built from the SMU job, convert them to change cards, and then use those change cards to determine what Transaction ID should exist for each Additional Transaction Information record imported.