Secured Field Comparisons

The Secured Field Comparisons (SCFCMP) page defines the value(s) or range of values to compare with the value entered in the secured field. These comparison values are used in conjunction with the defined Comparison Type to determine if the secured field value entered is an authorized value for the defined security role.

This page has different functions, based on the value of the Comparison Type:

  • Equality - Allows you to maintain equality field comparison values for a given security role. Inserting a record for each value can create multiple field values. If the contents of the field matches any entered values in this page, then the user is authorized to perform an action on the data.

  • Inequality - Allows you to maintain only inequality field comparison values for a given security role. Inserting a record for each value can create multiple field values. If the contents of the field does not match any entered values on this page, then the user is authorized to perform an action on the data.

  • Inside Range - Allows you to maintain only inside range field comparison value pairs for a given security role. Inserting a record for each range can create multiple inside range field value pairs. If the content of the field is within any range entered on this page, then the user is authorized to perform an action on the data.

  • Outside Range - Allows you to maintain only outside range field comparison value pairs for a given security role. Inserting a record for each range can create multiple outside range field value pairs. If the content of the field is not within any range entered on this page, then the user is authorized to perform an action on the data.

Field InformationField Information



Field ID

The identification of the secured field as defined on the Secured Fields page.

Compare Value

The value or values used in the comparison. Follow these rules when establishing:

  • Alphabetical values must match the case used in the database.

  • For the Equal and Not Equal comparison types, enter one or more values. For the Inside Range and Outside Range comparison types, enter one or more pairs of values to define the range(s).

  • Do not use quotation marks (“ “) or tic marks (‘ ‘) around your value.

  • For Boolean and check box data types, the allowable values are true and false (not yes and no).

  • The keyword %USER% represents the user’s User ID. This constant value is replaced at runtime with the User ID of the user for which security is being checked. For example, field security could be set up to allow access only to records belonging to that user.

  • The keyword %CURR_DT% represents the current date. This constant value is replaced at runtime with the current date and time when security is being checked. For example, field security could be set up to allow access only to records with a date in the past.

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