Sites can customize the disclaimer that appears on the login page in Advantage, if the user’s location tracking is enabled for the site. If a site chooses to track the location where the user is accessing the application, then the feature can be enabled and the application displays a disclaimer overlay on the login page over the footer. The feature can be enabled for the Advantage application using the userInfoTracking.conf file. This configuration file includes the userInfoTracking parameter, which includes the following properties:
enabled – This property controls whether the user’s location will be tracked or not. When this property is set to true, the following properties determine what is displayed on the disclaimer overlay:
Disclaimer – This property specifies what is displayed on the disclaimer on the Login page for the web application. This parameter should not be blank if feature is enabled (that is, enabled = true).
DisclaimerMob – This property specifies what is displayed on the disclaimer on the Login page for the mobile application. This parameter should not be blank if feature is enabled (that is, enabled = true).
Refer to the “User Info Tracking Configuration” topic in the CGI Advantage Security Administration Guide for information on other properties in the userInfoTracking.conf file.