Validate a Customized Template

If a system-generated template has been customized, as indicated in the prior section, then the excel file must be validated on the Generate/Upload Template page, prior to uploading the template to the Transaction Upload Template (DOCUPTEM) page. The Generate/Upload Template page is accessed by selecting the Generate/Upload Template link on the Transaction Upload Template page.

The Validate section of the Generate/Upload Template page allows you to validate a customized transaction upload template to ensure that it abides by the restrictions set by the system.  You must populate the Transaction Code field that corresponds to your template, select the template file via the Browse button, and then select the Validate Template action to validate the template.  If there are issues with the template, then the following message is displayed: “The template has errors and needs to be rectified”.  You must fix the errors and then perform the validation again. These steps must be repeated until the template validates successfully.  If the template validates successfully, then the following message is displayed: “The template validated successfully”, which indicates you can upload the customized template. Refer to the instructions in the “Upload a Customized Template” topic for more information.