Chain Jobs
The jobs are listed in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the following user guides CGI Advantage - Accounts Payable Run Sheets and CGI Advantage Financial - Utilities Run Sheets.
Job Name |
Description |
Batch Catalog Section |
AD Chain |
The Automated Disbursement Chain (AD Chain) is a group of jobs that work together to create disbursement transactions from the payment request transactions. The Automated Disbursements process selects authorized payments, edits payments for validity, processes payment adjustments, groups the payments, formats payments, and posts payment transactions. In short, it is the process that takes payment data (posted in the form of a Commodity Payment Request, Matching Payment Request, or General Accounting Expenditure transaction), and transforms this into a disbursement instrument (in the form of a check/warrant or EFT record). This process also generates the transactions to record the Intercept Transfers. |
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Automated Interest Calculation |
The purpose of the Automated Interest Calculation batch process is to create Interest Payment Requests (IPR) on the Disbursement Request table (DISRQ) to allow you to review, assess, and refute interest payments and track 1099 eligibility. |
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Check Recon Chain |
The Check Reconciliation process maintains consistency between the bank's records and a client's disbursement records within Advantage Financial. The process updates a check's status (for example, from Disbursed to Paid or Cancelled), and checks for discrepancies between Advantage and the bank. |
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Deposit Recon Chain |
The Deposit Reconciliation process maintains consistency between the bank's records and a client's disbursement records within Advantage Financial. The process updates a deposit's status, (for example, from Outstanding to Confirmed or Cancelled), as well as checking for discrepancies between Advantage and the bank. |
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Disbursement Discard Chain |
This process discards unprocessed Manual Disbursements where each accounting line of the Manual Disbursement references a payment request and all of the referenced payment requests have already been disbursed, i.e., none of the referenced payment requests appear on the DISRQ table. |
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Electronic Payment Request Generation Chain Job |
This chain job uses the Electronic Billing Inquiry (EBIT) page and the Electronic Account Profile page as input to create the Electronic Payment Request (EPRC) transaction to pay for electronic invoices. |
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EF ACH Transaction |
Automated Clearing House (ACH) participants can electronically transfer payment data in a structured, machine retrievable data format that permits to be transferred without re-keying from a business application in one financial institution to a business application in another financial institution. This transfer process is called Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Note: You need to ensure that the CTX EDI Formatting Batch Process runs successfully before running the EF ACH Transaction job for EFT format CTX. |
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EFT ACH Archive Process |
This chain job involves two batch jobs: EFT/ACH Archive Record Selection and AMSFacilitator job. The first job in this chain performs the selection of eligible records. On successful selection of eligible records, the second job submits multiple instances of the System Maintenance Utility (SMU) for archiving records selected by first job. |
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EF ACH Reversal |
This job generates an ACH file with requested EFT payments for reversal as well as initiates the cancellation of successfully reversed EFT payments by the bank. This process will insert EFT payments reversed successfully by the bank to the Disbursement Cancellation Parameters table in order to be cancelled by the Advantage 3 Mass Cancellation batch process. |
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EWS Transaction |
EWS Transaction is a chain job that supports the functionality in Advantage Financial to interface to the Early Warning System (EWS) used by certain banks, such as, J.P. Morgan Chase. This functionality works similar to the Prenote functionality insofar as EFT information must be verified through EWS prior to a vendor becoming eligible for EFT. |
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Load EDI Invoices |
This job processes an incoming EDI 810 file that is received from EDI enabled vendors. The job validates the transactions in the file, creates 997 and 824 responses (when appropriate), generates xml from the invoices that passed 997 and 824 validations, uploads the xml to Advantage, creates invoices from the xml, and creates an exception report for invoices that fail to submit to Final automatically. For detailed information on the EDI Invoice process, refer to the CGI Advantage - EDI Invoice Implementation Guide. |
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Load Externally Intercepted Debt Table |
Load Externally Intercepted Debt chain process is used to generate IT transactions to record the intercepts that occurred in the external payment system. |
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Load Payment Hold by TIN |
This chain job loads the records from the interface xml file into a temporary holding table. It then inserts or updates each record into the Payment Hold by TIN Table. |
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Paid Check Archiving |
This chain job archives records on the Paid Checks table that are no longer required. Note: The records can be restored by the Paid Check Table Restore batch job. |
Payment Hold Archive Process |
This process selects records to archive from the Payment Hold Maintenance, Payment Hold Activity, and Print Payment Hold Notice tables and the Payment Hold Maintenance transactions. If the process is set to Report Only, then the records are only added to an XML file; otherwise, the XML file is created and the records are deleted. |
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PCardChain |
The Procurement Card Chain creates and processes payment requests for transactions purchased using a procurement card. |
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Prenote ACH Transaction |
A prenote is a record containing electronic funds transfer (EFT) information about a vendor such as Bank Account Number and Bank Name. This information is sent along with nightly payments to a Financial Institution, and notifies the Financial Institution of the intent to electronically deposit payments to one of its accounts and verifies that all the account information is correct. |
AP |
Print Backup Withholding Notices |
This job prints Backup Withholding 1st and 2nd B Notices. The job will select records from the 1099 Reporting Information and Backup Withholding Notice Printing History tables for taxpayers, for whom the generation of the 1st or 2nd B Notice is required. Both tables will be updated by the process, as well as serve as input for identifying records that require printing (as per '1099I table setup) or were scheduled for re-printing (as per BWNPH table setup) of a corresponding B Notice. |
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Retainage Payout Chain |
Retainage Payout Chain creates transactions to payout or forfeit outstanding retainage. |
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Scheduled Invoice Generation |
Scheduled Invoice Generation is a schedule-based process, established when a Recurring Payment Order is entered in the system, that will generate payments to vendors according to the predefined schedule. The process generates Recurring Invoices for the recurring amount and on the schedule identified. The Matching Manager chain job will then match the invoice to the order and generate Payment Request transactions. |
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Upload 1099 External Reported Income Process |
The Upload 1099 External Reported Income Process uploads external 1099 reported income by 1099 Reporting Payer, Taxpayer ID Number and Type, updating the consolidated income on the 1099 External Reported Income Table (1099ER). The Offline 1099 Batch Process uses these records to create a text file that may be used by a third party tool to generate IRS forms or a data file (original submission and corrections). |
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Vendor Customer Archiving |
This process archives and deletes data from the Vendor/Customer setup tables as well as related inquiry tables (mostly from the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable areas) in Financial for those vendors/customers identified as being eligible for archival. |
Retiree Update |
This process reads an external file with retiree Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), their status, and their retirement date. It validates the existences of the records against the Vendor Customer (VCUST) page and creates an XML file of retiree data that is loaded to the RETIRTIN page. This process is one of three that supports this specialized processing with an external payroll system. |
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Retiree Billing |
The Retiree Billing chain identifies payments made to retirees from the 1099 Journal (J1099), calculates three types of fees, and creates Internal Exchange Transactions (IET) to record the fees associated with those payments. The process creates a file at the end with summary level payment data by TIN. This process is one of three that supports this specialized processing with an external payroll system. |
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