
The Header tab contains information common to all lines, such as Record Date, Budget Fiscal Year, Accounting Period, and Bank Account. Refer to the "Header" topic in the CGI Advantage -  Transactions User Guide for common information on the Header tab.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

The following fields are required if the PCard Payment flag is true.  

  • PCard Administrator

The Payee Vendor cannot be a Miscellaneous vendor.

The Header tab contains the following actions/links:

Page-Level ActionsPage-Level Actions

Refer to the "Transaction Level Actions" topic in the CGI Advantage - Transactions User Guide for information on actions that apply to the entire transaction.

Tab-Level actions/linksTab-Level actions/links

  • Load Accounting Profile - When clicked, if an Accounting Profile exists on the Header, one line will be inserted on the Accounting Distribution tab for each Accounting Template for the corresponding Accounting Profile.  Based on the values on the Accounting Profile table the Accounting Template and distribution percentage values will be established. Then, based on the Accounting Templates, there will be a lookup to the Accounting Template table to infer the Fund and Detail Accounting elements.