Outside of Accounts Receivable
Application Parameters
Although officially listed as an Infrastructure table, the Application Parameters table is one that is part of general system configuration. Options on this table are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors. The table is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields. Of the controls on this table, those listed below directly relate to the Accounts Receivable area. For information about the controls specific to General Accounting, please refer to the "Application Parameters" topic in the CGI Advantage - Financial Administration User Guide.
Note: Any changes to records on this table should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for Advantage Financial.
Accounts Receivable Controls
Parameter |
Description |
A/R Reference Option (AR_REF_OPT) |
This parameter has three valid values: 1, 2, or 3. (if value is blank or not 1, 2, or 3, system will presume a value of 1). Only transaction types of Cash Receipt (CR), Write Off (WO), Referral to Collection Agency (CL), Receivable (RE), Internal Transaction Initiator (ITI), Internal Transaction Agreement (ITA), and Internal Transaction Exchange (IET) read the option. Additionally, these transaction types only read the option when there is a reference to a Accrued Receivable (ARE), RE, or CL transaction that is not a memo reference type. With all options, the Fiscal Year (FY) for all posting lines will always be that of the referencing accounting line. The Budget Fiscal Year (BFY) can vary as described with each option below.
Cash Receipt Decrease Event Type (CR_DECR_ETYP) |
The Cash Receipt Decrease Event Type is used on the CR Transaction Accounting Line when the Line Amount is less than $0.00, Reference Fields (Ref Transaction Code, Ref Transaction Dept, Ref Transaction ID, Ref Transaction VL and Ref Transaction AL) are Blank, and the Event Type is Blank on the Accounting Line. Note: When the Line Amount is Negative and the Referenced Transaction fields are blank on the CR transaction Accounting Lines then the entered Event Type must belong to the Sweep Fund Transfer (SFTR) Event Category. |
Allow Final Short Reference on CR (ALW_FINAL_SH_REF_CR) |
This parameter either allows or prevents the ability to close out a referenced transaction (RE or CL) by manually setting the Reference Type on the Cash Receipt transaction (CR) to Final when the total amount on the CR may not equal the total open amount on the referenced transaction. This parameter can be set to ”Manual” for manually setting the Reference Type on the CR or ”Auto” for automatically setting the Reference Type on the CR. The default parameter value is ”Auto” so that only the Accounts Receivable tolerance logic applies. If the parameter is set to Manual, the user can manually set the Reference Type on the CR accounting line, and the CR transaction will be evaluated by the generic event type processor tolerance logic to determine whether the referenced line can be closed. If the parameter is set to Auto, the user is still able to set the Reference Type on the CR accounting line. However, the system automatically overrides the Reference Type and the CR transaction will be evaluated utilizing only the Accounts Receivable event type processor tolerance logic. Please refer to Effect of Tolerances in Processing Cash Receipts for more information on changing the Reference Type on the accounting line of a CR transaction. |
Check Reconciliation Manual Update Tracking (CHK_RECON_MNL_UPD_TRKG) |
Valid values are Yes and No. If set to Yes, and the Check Reconciliation, Paid Checks, or Check Exception table records are updated manually, the Reason for Change field is required and an audit record is written to the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. If set to No or left blank, then the Reason for Change field is not required and updates are not made on the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. |
Deposit Reconciliation Manual Update Tracking (DPS_RECON_MNL_UPD_TRKG) |
Valid values are Yes and No. If set to Yes, and the Deposit Reconciliation and Deposit Exception table records are updated manually, the Reason for Change field is required and an audit record is written to the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. If set to No or left blank, then the Reason for Change field is not required and updates are not made on Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. |
CACT Count for Offline Update (CACT_COUNT_FOR_OFLN_UPD) |
As updates to the Billing Type of a widely-used billing profile can trigger many cascading Customer Account Options (CACT) updates, such a change can result in the application timing out before all the updates are complete. This parameter defines the number of records at which or greater triggers the system to submit an instance of the BPRO to CACT Update process. |
This parameter allows you to enter the Special Character that should be used as a separator while inferring the External Account Number on the Customer Account Options (CACT) table from the System Crosswalk (SYSX) record. The system only infers the characters that appear after the Special Character. For example: If the Outside value is '1@Test001' and the SEPERATOR_CACT parameter has the value set as @ then the system will only infer Test001 in the External Account Number of the corresponding CACT record. |
Verify Create System Crosswalk (VERIFY_SYSX) |
Valid values are Yes or No. If set to Yes, upon creating the Customer Account Options (CACT) record, the system will infer the External Account Number from the corresponding System Crosswalk (CACT) record. If set to No, upon creating the Customer Account Options (CACT) record, the system will not infer the External Account Number from the System Crosswalk (CACT) record. |
Details to be Printed on Cash Receipt Deposit Form (AR_DEPO_DSCR) |
Allows the addition of a customized description that is printed on the Cash Receipt Deposit Form when a print is initiated through the Cash Receipt. |
Auto Apply Receivable Sorting (AUTO_APPLY_RE_SORT) |
This parameter is used by the auto apply action of the cash receipt transaction type to sort outstanding receivables in an order based on Transaction ID after all other sorting has occurred based on payment priority and due date. When automatic numbering is used, with or without a date component, numbering by Transaction ID can provide an order. Manually assigned Transaction IDs cannot. The order is based on when the transactions were created, not submitted. Valid values are Yes and No. No sorts in descending order and Yes sorts in ascending order. |