Application Parameters
The Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page is one that is part of general system configuration. Most options on this page are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors. The page is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields. Of the many controls, those listed below are accounting in nature and typically do not apply to any one business area or type of transaction.
Note: Any changes to records on this page should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for CGI Advantage as many are put in memory for performance reasons.
Individual Parameters
Those parameters that apply to a single business area or a single type of transaction are discussed in the user guide for that area. This listing contains parameters with an accounting impact or those that impact multiple business areas.
The Parameter Short Description is listed first followed by the Parameter Name in parentheses.
Parameter |
Description |
A/R Reference Option (AR_REF_OPT) |
This parameter has three valid values: 1, 2, or 3. (if value is blank or not 1, 2, or 3, system will presume a value of 1). Only transaction types of Cash Receipt (CR), Write Off (WO), Referral to Collection Agency (CL), Receivable (RE), Internal Transaction Initiator (ITI), Internal Transaction Agreement (ITA), and Internal Transaction Exchange (IET) read the option. Additionally, these transaction types only read the option when there is a reference to an ARE, RE, or CL transaction that is not a memo reference type. With all options, the Fiscal Year (FY) for all posting lines will always be that of the referencing accounting line. The Budget Fiscal Year (BFY) for the posting line from event type of the referencing accounting line will always be the one from the referencing line. The BFY of the liquidation posting line can vary as described with each option below.
That accounting line BFY will then be used on the liquidation posting line.
The BFY of the liquidation posting line will be the same as recorded initially on the referenced accounting line.
Note: If the Parameter Value is 3, then it is assumed that the site using this option will not run the Open Activity Roll job for receivables as part of their annual processes because it will no longer be necessary to keep FY and BFY in sync. *CURR_BFY is an unseen field that will initially default to be the Default Fiscal Year field on the Calendar Date page for the Transaction Record Date. If no Transaction Record Date is entered on the header, the Application Date is used. If at any point a Fiscal Year is entered on a transaction header or accounting line, the CURR_BFY will become that value instead, unless a BFY is entered on the header or accounting line in which case the CURR_BFY will become that value. |
Accounts Payable Period Accounting Fiscal Year (ACCT_PAY_PD_FY) |
When using the Automated Accrual feature discussed in the General Accounting User Guide, if the FY > BFY on a liquidation posting line, the FY is set to this year parameter. |
Accounts Payable Period Accounting Period (ACCT_PAY_PD_APD) |
When using the Automated Accrual feature discussed in the General Accounting User Guide, if the FY > BFY on a liquidation posting line, the Period is set to this accounting period parameter. |
Accruals Prior Year Period (ACCRUAL_PY_APD) |
The accounting period placed on the Prior Year (PY) accounting lines created by the Automated Accrual Process. The value should be equal to the latest APD where an encumbrance can be entered to avoid an accrual being recorded prior to the encumbrance it liquidated. |
Always Use Fund Bank Account Codes for Disbursements (ALWYS_USE_FUND_BANK_ ACCT_CD_FOR_DISB) |
This parameter is used to ensure disbursements are made from the default bank established for a Fund. If True, an error issued if the Bank on a Manual Disbursement (MD) accounting line is not equal to the default Bank of the Fund on that accounting line. When True, the Automatic Disbursement (AD) will infer the default Bank for the Fund on the accounting line when the Disbursement Type changed from EFT to Check. |
Allowed Roll Budget Amounts (ALW_ROLL_BKTS) |
This parameter is used as an additional control to the edits that the Parameters for Roll Process (RLPA) page currently performs for the Event Type Selection Criteria field. It is to expand what is allowed for that selection criteria and not restrict the field. The selection field currently allows event types with a posting code in Posting Pair A that has a Revenue or an Expense Budget ID or Revenue Budget Bucket ID that is: 22 (billed earned revenue), 23 (unbilled earned revenue), 25 (billed unearned/deferred revenue), 12 (pre-encumbrance), 13 (encumbrance), or no value in either ID field. If an event type entered has a different ID, the page will look to this parameter to see if that ID is allowed. The intended use of this parameter is to contain 14 (accrued expenses) so that only vendor refunds (event type AR30) can be rolled on receivables so the eventual collection will have a Fiscal Year equal to the Budget Fiscal Year. When these should not roll, the parameter should be left blank. When using this parameter, care should be taken in the setup on RLPA to ensure accrued expenditures that are payables are not rolled. |
Bank Code Inference (FUND_BANK_CD_INFERE) |
This parameter is used to ensure payment requests are recorded to the default bank for a fund. If true, the system will infer the appropriate bank code (Bank or EFT Bank) on accounting lines based on the Disbursement Format on the vendor line and the Fund on the accounting line. |
Application System Date (APPL_SYS_DT) |
This date is used most places of the application as the 'current date' when reliance on the system date found on the application server is not appropriate. It can be set manually or with the Begin Day batch job. |
Balance Sheet Account Integrity Check (BSA_INTEG_CHK) |
This parameter has two valid values of Detail and Summary. It is used in the evaluation of balance sheet account balances to see if an accounting transaction is going to take the account into a contrary balance. |
Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year (MATCH_BFY_FY) |
When set to true, the system will default the MATCH_FY and APD parameter values to the accounting lines of Payment Request transactions created from copy forward or the Matching process when the Budget Fiscal Year of a referenced Purchase Order accounting line is the prior Budget Fiscal Year. That comparison uses the default Fiscal Year of the Application Date to determine prior or current year. On those Payment Request transactions that are manually created (for example, not the ones from the Matching process) these defaults will only occur if the Fiscal Year and Period fields on the accounting line are blank. Once inferred, the values can be manually overridden, if desired. There will be no inference if this parameter is set to false. Also, if the parameter is set to true there will be no inference if:
Accounting Period used when MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true (MATCH_APD) |
The default Accounting Period to be used on the accounting line when the parameter MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true. The parameter must be set when MATCH_BFY_FY is true. The value in this parameter will have to change if Purchase Orders are left open and not rolled and the original APD is closed (for example, 12 is closed so 13 has to be used). |
Fiscal Year used when MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true (MATCH_FY) |
The default Fiscal Year to be used on the accounting line when the parameter MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true. The parameter must be set when MATCH_BFY_FY is true. The value in this parameter has to be adjusted with each passing year just as a new Fiscal Year starts. To forget to do so will result in transactions failing with a closed Fiscal Year being used and the FY < BFY condition that is typically prevented with BFY Staging. |
Accounts Payable Period Fiscal Year (ACCT_PAY_PD_FY) |
This Fiscal Year parameter and the Accounting Period one below are used on Payment Request (PR) and Accounting Based Spending (ABS) spending transactions manually created in the same manner that the MATCH_FY parameter is used for transactions generated from the matching process. The two parameters should be kept in sync. |
Accounts Payable Period Accounting Period (ACCT_PAY_PD_APD) |
This Accounting Period parameter and the Fiscal Year one above are used on Payment Request (PR) and Accounting Based Spending (ABS) spending transactions manually created in the same manner that the MATCH_APD parameter is used for transactions generated from the matching process. The two parameters should be kept in sync. |
Pool Cash Balance Tracking (CBAL_POOL) |
This parameter turns on and off application updates to the Cash Balance Pool page from the Cash Balance Summary page. More can be found about this topic in the "Cash Balance Inquiries" topic. |
Validate Cached Balance Records (VLDT_CACHED_BAL_RCRDS) |
This true/false parameter was implemented in association with logic inside of the Common Posting / Balance Page area. For sites that do not choose to use the lower half of either the Cash or Fund Balance Detail Maintenance pages, then this parameter will not apply. For those that use either or both, the recommended setting is true. When the parameter is true, logic inside the Common Posting Routine will ensure a transaction updating a BSA Balance ITD record linked to either a record on Cash Balance Detail or a Fund Balance Detail Maintenance record, results in the Balance amount matching the Current Balance amount, respectively. If not, an error with the code A4071 will be raised. Amounts between the two can differ for one of two reasons: the records are out of synch in the database, or while one person / batch job was validating/submitting a transaction, another was in process of changing the same records. The approach to rectifying the problem is based upon which scenario exists. The user can re-validate or re-submit their transaction and this may cause the error to disappear because no other person or job is affecting the records at the time. If it persists after several attempts to validate or submit the transaction, then the user should verify that the records are in synch with each other. If they are not in synch then there are several approaches that may be desired. Contacting the CGI Advantage Help Desk to assist in working through the set of approaches is best. The parameter should only be changed from true to false under very limited circumstances and for a very limited time. When set temporarily to false, it is critical that no other transaction processing occur except the transaction that previously failed, as the cross-table edits will be disabled. Other transaction processing at this time could cause more out of synch conditions. Once the problem transaction has been submitted, the parameter must be changed back to true so that no further data integrity issues are experienced. |
Maximum Transaction ID Length (Maximum Transaction ID Length) |
As transaction ID values can be system generated, this parameter exists to define a maximum length up to 20. The length also controls a manually created transaction ID. The length is a system-wide rule that must not be exceeded when defining lengths at the decentralized location - the Automatic Transaction Numbering page. |
Minimum Transaction ID Length (Minimum Transaction ID Length) |
As transaction ID values can be system generated, this parameter exists to define a minimum length. The length will also control a manually created transaction ID. The length is a system-wide rule that must not be exceeded when defining lengths at the decentralized location - the Automatic Transaction Numbering page. |
Real Time Journal Posting (RLTM_JRNL_PSTG) |
A true/false parameter that controls whether or not accounting transactions post to various journals upon being submitted to final. When set to false, journal posting occurs only when the Journal Posting Engine batch job is run. |
A true/false parameter that must be set to True before running and False after running the Open Activity & Budget Roll chain job. All VLS must be restarted after this value is changed (whether from false to true or true to false). Please refer to the Open Activity and Budget Roll run sheet in the CGI Advantage General Accounting Run Sheets Guide for more information about the use of the parameter. |
This parameter is used by the application during the Open Activity and Budget Roll chain job when access to the Parameters for Roll Process (RLPA) page cannot be accessed. For proper execution of the Open Activity & Budget Roll chain job, the same BFY value entered as the Source BFY on the RLPA ID being used by the chain should be entered as the OABR Source BFY as well. The value is used by the application when generating allotment lines. Whether allotments are used or not, this parameter has to be completed. |
Back Out Accounting Period (BACKOUT_APD) |
When the Open Activity Roll or Open Activity & Budget Roll chain jobs roll open accounting activity into a new budget year, this parameter supplies the accounting period used on the posting line that backs out activity in the old budget year. |
Back Out Fiscal Year (BACKOUT_FY) |
When the Open Activity Roll or Open Activity & Budget Roll chain jobs roll open accounting activity into a new budget year, this parameter supplies the fiscal year used on the posting line that backs out activity in the old budget year. The value in this field must be entered in the CCYY format. |
Suppress Rolled ALs from performing Liquidation Updates (SPPRS_RLLD_LQDTN_UPD) |
This parameter is read when a referencing accounting line has the event category of AP (Accounts Payable) and that referenced accounting line has been rolled by either the Open Activity Roll or Open Activity & Budget Roll process. The purpose is to suppress liquidation posting lines that will re-open a referenced accounting/posting line if the payment request is modified down, cancelled or the reference type is changed from final to partial. Although such liquidation postings often fail because of BFY Staging, use of this parameter will avoid that error by setting the posting amount of the liquidation posting line to $0 and not making any updates to the referenced commodity, accounting, or posting line. If this parameter is set to true then liquidation updates are suppressed. If this parameter is set to false then normal liquidation logic is performed. |
Prevent Rolled Encumbrance Increase Edit (PRVNT_RLD_ENC_INC_EDT) |
This parameter is read when an accounting line has the event category of PR (Procurement) and that accounting line has been rolled by either the Open Activity Roll or Open Activity & Budget Roll process. The purpose is to control increases to lines rolled from one BFY to the next. Valid values for this parameter are: 0 - increase edits are off, 1 – edits on for non-reference and memo reference, 2 – edits on for partial and final reference, and 3 - edits on for all increases whether referencing or not. Separate error messages are issued for non-referencing and memo referencing vs. a partial or final reference to allow for different severity settings |
Earliest Year (EARLIEST_YEAR) |
A year specified that will be used to evaluate fiscal year values entered within the application. Any year entered that is before this parameter will not be allowed. The value in this field must be entered in the CCYY format. |
Latest Year (LATEST_YEAR) |
A year specified that will be used to evaluate fiscal year values entered within the application. Any year entered that is after this parameter will not be allowed. Must be entered as CCYY. |
Require TIN for Miscellaneous Vendors on 1099 Journal Updates (REQ_TIN_1099_JRNL_UPD) |
If the parameter value is blank, then applicable posting lines for miscellaneous vendors without a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) will be posted to the 1099 Journal. If the value is True, then applicable posting lines for miscellaneous vendors without a TIN will not be posted to the 1099 Journal. |
Require Vendor on 1099 Journal Updates (REQ_VEND_1099_JRNL_UPD) |
If the parameter value is blank, then applicable posting lines without a vendor/customer code will be posted to the 1099 Journal. If the value is True, applicable posting lines without a vendor/code will not be posted to the 1099 Journal. |
Default 1099 Report Flag (DFLT_1099_RPT_FLAG)) |
If it is set to True the 1099 Reportable flag will default to true while if it is set to false it will default to false when new vendor records are created or modified in the following pages and transactions:
Extended or Standard Budget (EXT_STD_BUD) |
Controls whether or not budget structures should work as standard (STD) - establish appropriations to infer and limit COA combinations - or as extended (EXT) - no inference and no limits on combinations. The parameter name for this control is EXT_STD_BUD. |
Maximum Lines to Summarize (Record Limit for Calculate Amount Total Action) |
When the Calculate Amount Total action is selected on the Accounting Journal, the system compares the number of detail query result records being summarized to the value defined for this parameter. If the number of lines being summarized exceeds the limit specified for this parameter then an error is issued. |
Active Alert Interval (ACTIVE_ALERT_INTERVAL) |
This parameter defines the interval in minutes that is used to determine how often to trigger the Active Alert check. The Active Alert Interval parameter represents the number of minutes that should elapse before an Active Alert check should look for new messages. The value for this entry must be a positive integer. More can be found on this topic in the ”Alerts” and ”Broadcasts” tabs of the CGI Advantage Getting Started Guide. |
Bypass Transaction Attachment Counts (BYPASS_DOC_ATT_CNTS) |
This parameter can have a value of true or false. When set to true the Object Attachment Count Functionality is not active for any transactions application wide. For additional information on the Attachment Count functionality, refer to the ”Using Attachments” topic in the CGI Advantage Financial - Transactions User Guide. |
Bypass Transaction Attachment Counts List (BYPASS_DOC_ATT_CNTS_LST) |
This parameter can contain a comma separated list of transaction codes. This parameter is only referenced when the Bypass Transaction Attachment Counts parameter is set to false. When this parameter is referenced the Transaction Object Attachment Count Functionality is not active for the transactions listed in the parameter value for the application in question. For additional information on the Attachment Count functionality, refer to the ”Using Attachments” topic in the CGI Advantage Financial - Transactions User Guide. |
Automatic Payment Hold (AUTOMATED_PAYMENT_HOLD) |
Automatic Payment Hold Option: This parameter determines whether the Automated Payment Hold functionality or the user will update the User Hold indication on Disbursement Request (DISRQ) page when the disbursement transaction is cancelled with the Cancellation Type of Hold. Valid Values are True or False. If the indication is set to True, the Automated Payment Hold system wide edits will be used. IF the indication is set to False, the Automated Payment Hold system wide edits will be bypassed. |
Retain Discount From Cancelled Disbursement (RET_DISC_FROM_CANCELLED_DISB) |
Retain Discount Terms on cancelled disbursement with Cancellation Type of Reschedule, Hold, or PR Cancellation. Valid values are True or False. If True, the Discount Terms will be retained and used on a re-issuance of disbursement. If False, the Discount Terms will not be retained on a re-issuance of a disbursement. |
Retainage Forfeiture Option (RET_FORF_OPT) |
Retainage Forfeiture Option: This parameter provides the option to calculate the retainage forfeiture amount. Valid values are 1 or 2. Value 1 indicates that the FIFO baseline rules will be used to determine how retainage will be forfeited. Value 2 indicates that the rules on the Fund page will be used to determine how the retainage will be forfeited. |
Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) |
When set to True, the Budget Fiscal Year (BFY) Front-End-Split (FES) logic is enabled. This logic uses older budget year monies in a First-in-First-Out (FIFO) basis. This means that the oldest BFY that still has money is used first until it is depleted, then the system moves to the next oldest, and goes forward from there. The delivered value for this parameter is False so that the FIFO behavior is not invoked, resulting in standard BFY logic. When set to True the three other BFY FES parameters need to be completed. |
BFY FES Budget Structure (BFY_FES_STRU_ID) |
This parameter is read when the Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) parameter is set to True. This parameter indicates the Budget Structure ID that should be used to look for ‘active’ years of funding. The Budget Structure ID provided must be an active budget structure as well as one flagged as Budget Fiscal Year Driven on the Budget Structure (BUDST) page. |
BFY FES Budget Level (BFY_FES_LVL_ID) |
This parameter is read when the Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) parameter is set to True. This parameter indicates the Budget Level that should be used to look for ‘active’ years of funding. The Budget Level ID must be valid for the BFY FES Budget Structure ID (BFY_FES_LVL_ID) and not one defined as the audit/activity level. |
BFY FES Budget Control ID (BFY_FES_CNST_ID) |
This parameter is read when the Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) parameter is set to True. This parameter indicates the Budget Control ID that should be used to calculate availability. The Budget Control ID must be a valid budget control that has been turned on. (Default Violation for the control is set to any other value than Not Selected.) Controls 1 and 5 are very likely choices for this parameter. |
JACTG Maximum Record Count (JACTG_MAX_REC_COUNT) |
This parameter limits the number of records returned during queries made on the Accounting Journal page. An error is issued if the number of records retrieved by the search exceed the value provided for this parameter. Note, this limit applies to the variations of the Accounting Journal page that open from various drill downs into transaction history. |
Accounting Journal Drilldown Maximum Years (JACTG_MAX_YEARS_WORTH_OF_DATA) |
This parameter is used to limit the data returned from the drilldown features of the Balance Sheet Account (BBALS, BBALD, BBALFY) pages to a manageable result set, as the most recent activity is where the focus is. Defined is the number of fiscal years of data to return. 1 to 2 years is common. When more data is needed in the research of an account balance, other inquiry methods such as a direct Accounting Journal search or a report are better methods of research. |
Accounting Journal Drilldown Parallelism (JACTG_DRILLDOWN_USE_PARALLELISM) |
This parameter is used to improve the performance of the drilldown features of the Balance Sheet Balance (BBALS, BBALD, BBALFY) pages if record volume results in poor performance or timeout issues. A value greater than 1 allows the system to execute the same query by multiple processes into the Journal Accounting instead of just a single process. |
Posting Line Inquiry Maximum Record Count (PLINQ _MAX_REC_COUNT) |
This parameter limits the number of records returned during queries made on the Posting Line Inquiry page. An error is issued if the number of records retrieved by the search exceed the value provided for this parameter. |
Enable Posting Lines display as a transaction tab (SHOW_POSTING_LINES_AS_TAB) |
This parameter is used to turn on/off the posting line display as a tab on a transaction. When this parameter is set to true, the posting lines will be displayed as a tab on a transaction. When set of false, the posting lines will be displayed as a modal window that is accessible from the accounting line record-level menu on a transaction. When set to true, the tab may still be hidden and opened as a modal window with the Configure Page (DESIGNER) option to hide the tab. |
Allow Transactions to Write to XML File (ALLW_TRSNCTN_WRT_XML_FL) |
The archiving of a transaction creates an output file of that transaction so that it can be restored. When this feature is not desired and the output file is not needed, setting this parameter to N (no) stops the creation of that output file. This parameter applies to both the Transaction Archive action and Transaction Archive chain. Note: Please see the “Transaction Archiving” section of the CGI Advantage Financial Utilities Run Sheets guide for details on Application Parameters involved. |
Allow Transaction to Archived Transaction Catalog (ALLW_TRSNCTN_ARCH_CTLG_FL) |
The archiving of a transaction creates an entry in Archived Transaction Catalog. When this feature is not desired, setting this parameter to N (no) stops updating Transaction Archiving Catalog. This parameter applies to both the Transaction Archive action and Transaction Archive chain. Note: Please see the “Transaction Archiving” section of the CGI Advantage Financial Utilities Run Sheets guide for details on Application Parameters involved. |
Service Date Object Level (SRV_DT_OBJ_LVL) |
This parameter is used when COA Service Date Editing is enabled for PR and ABS transaction codes on Transaction Control to define which levels of object are read: R_OBJ, R_SOBJ, R_DOBJ. Leave blank for no object control. Enter 1 for a single control. Enter more than 1 separated by commas if multiple with the lowest level first. Please see the COA Service Date Editing section for further details on this feature. |
Suppress Infer BFY Update (SPRS_INF_BFY) |
This optional parameter is used to turn off automatic updates to the BFY Inference (BFYINF) page by budget transactions creating a BFY 9999 budget line for a Fund, Department and Appropriation combination because there will be an automatic update to another page that is used to infer BFY 9999. One or more Structure ID values can be entered, if separated by commas. This control is not to be used with those structures that read the EXT_STD_BUD option. |
Encumbrance Requirement Threshold (ENC_REQ_THRHLD) |
This parameter and the four that follow are used in conjunction to ensure that there is a reference (partial or final) on an expenditure over a dollar threshold for COA that have the requirement. When using the feature, all five parameters must be completed. The posting amount of a payment posting at which a reference is required to an encumbrance. When blank encumbrance requirements are not enforced by the remaining four encumbrance requirement parameters. When blank or 0 this feature is turned off. The amount does not need $ or commas |
Encumbrance Requirement COA Element/Rollup (ENC_REQ_COA_ELMT) |
The required COA element or rollup (data attribute of posting line field) that determines if encumbrance requirements are being enforced by the encumbrance requirement parameters. When possible, a rollup should be chosen to limit the amount of initial and subsequent data to the other COA parameter. |
Encumbrance Requirement Transaction Codes (ENC_REQ_DOC_CODES) |
The required transaction code(s) that determines if encumbrance requirements are being enforced by the encumbrance requirement parameters. If this feature should only apply to requests for payment, then transaction codes in the ABS, PR, and TRVL that have the ability to reference should be used. If a broader requirement, then transaction codes in the ITA and IET transaction types should be added. Adding codes in the CH transaction type is also possible. |
Encumbrance Requirement COA Element/Rollup Codes (ENC_REQ_COA_CODES) |
The required COA element or rollup code(s) that determines if encumbrance requirements are being enforced by the encumbrance requirement parameters. Multiple values have to be separated by commas. |
Encumbrance Requirement Budget Amount (ENC_REQ_EXP_BKTS) |
The expense budget amounts (specified by Bucket ID) that will enforce encumbrance requirements. The standard parameter value for this field would be 14 and 15. |
Default Print Output Type (DFLT_PRNT_OUTPUT_TYPE) |
The default value that is displayed in the Print Output Type field on the Transaction Print page upon navigating to that page. The allowable values for this parameter are established on CVL_PRNT_RSRC_TYP in the PRNT_RSRC_TYP_CD field. The delivered value for this field is 3 (PDF). |
Default View Forms (DFLT_VIEW_FORMS) |
Set the value to true if the View Forms check box on the Transaction Print page should be selected by default when the Print Output Type value is PDF. |
Suppress Printer Output Type (SUPPRESS_PRINTER_OUTPUT_TYPE) |
This parameter controls the entry of the PRINTER option in the Print Output Type drop-down on the Transaction Print page. Set the value to true if your site does not want PRINTER as an option for the Print Output Type drop-down. By default, SUPPRESS_PRINTER_OUTPUT_TYPE is set to false. |
Transaction Comments Print Order By Clause (TRANS_PRINT_COMMENTS_ORDER) |
This parameter indicates the order Comments are printed on the transaction. The default order is by Transaction Version Number (DOC_VERS_NO). Use commas to separate multiple sort fields. Comments will be sorted by each sort field in descending order. If the parameter does not exist or left blank, the default order by Transaction Version Number (DOC_VERS_NO) will be used. Each sort field is verified to ensure it is a valid column on DOC_CMNT table. If field is not valid, then it is ignored. If all sort fields are not valid, then the default order is by Transaction Version Number (DOC_VERS_NO). |
When there is the desire to use the Disbursement Revision (DX) or other transaction in the Accounting Based Spending transaction type with an additional requirement that the changes made for COA, rollups, and budget fiscal year need to be restricted, this parameter and the next provide that control. Restricting departmental users from ‘jumping budget lines’ with a reclassification can allow for less of an approval effort. The following are examples of this edit:
If a mismatch of one of the listed fields is found between posting lines, an error will be issued listing both the field in violation and its value. For example, if department is a field listed in the parameter and one posting line has department A but the other posting line has department B, the following error would be issued on the corresponding posting line: “The correction Department A/B is in violation of rules established for what can be changed.” It is the posting lines that are edited as front-end split that can change the COA found on accounting lines. Leaving the parameter blank turns the edit off. |
This parameter defines which transaction code(s) edit against the Fixed COA Elements parameter. |
Validate Fund and Appr against VFAPPR on Funding lines (VLDT_VFAPPR_FL) |
When True, an edit is triggered on Funding Profile to check if the Fund and Appr combination is present in the VFAPPR table on funding and Internal Buyer Funding Lines. Valid values are True or False. |