Customer Account Options

The Customer Account Options (CACT) page is used to define a valid combination of a Vendor Customer record and Billing Profile into a Customer Account. The same Vendor Customer record can be associated with as many different Billing Profiles as necessary to ensure proper billing based on ‘how’ or ‘what group’ the Vendor Customer is doing business.

The CSS Status, CSS User ID, and CSS Enabled fields are on this options page. Refer to the “Customer Self Service” topic for more information on these fields.

The primary fields are as follows with several common ones omitted. A field listed that is not visible has been hidden through the Configure Page feature.

Field Name


Billing Location

A required indication of the location(s) where invoices and statements will be sent. The choices for billing location are dependent on the Billing Type:

  • No Billing Required: Not Applicable

  • Invoice, Statement, or Both: Customer Only, Third Party Only, Third Party with Customer Copy, Parent Address Only, or Parent Address with Customer Copy.

  • Cost Accounting Billing: All values are allowed depending on how the cost accounting customer is billed: manually (Not Applicable), FHWA through FMIS (Not Applicable), or automatic (one of the other five).

Note: A parent address is the default address for the Headquarters record setup for the Vendor Customer of a customer account.

Billing Type

 A required indication to control whether billing is done and in what form(s):

  • Not Applicable – No invoices or statements are to be generated as billing will be done manually or through a different system.

  • Invoice – Each receivable will be sent as a separate invoice.

  • Statement – All customer account activity will be summarized into a single statement.

  • Both – The customer account will receive separate invoices per receivable as well as a consolidated statement.

  • Cost Accounting Billing – A billing type much like Not Applicable but is tied to edits requiring this billing type when establishing a funding line.

Central Statement

To prevent customers from receiving multiple statements when a customer is used on multiple Customer Account records, there is an option of generating consolidated statements and consolidated past due statements that includes all transactions for the accounts for a customer. Please see “Consolidated Statements for Customers” for more information. When setting up a Vendor Customer record, a Central Statement Billing Profile, Central Statement Billing Location, and Central Statement Address ID are recorded to get central statements. When these fields are completed, this Customer Account Central Statement indication is set by the system for later system processing.

Note that if you enable central statement for a customer who had past statement activities, those past activities as well as any modification, cancellation, or referencing activities yet to occur, will continue to appear on the same statements as before (not consolidated).

When a customer uses central statement, you can suppress statement and past due statement using the Suppress Central Statement and Suppress Central Past Due Statement fields on Vendor/Customer (VCUST) instead of Customer Account.

Final Statement

This indication is used by the application when billing type is switched from Both or Statement to Invoice in order to control system processing of a final statement sent to the customer account.

Minimum Billing Amount

A minimum amount that must be achieved for a customer account used in Cost Accounting before considering activity for reimbursement billing. The Negative Draw Prevention process reads this amount only when the Prevention Control is set to Department, Program and Customer Account on Negative Draw Prevention (NEGPREV). Even then the process only considers this amount when the Final Bill is not true for the program on Program Setup (PROG).

A value of $0.00 which means there is no minimum.

Collection Cycle

A collection cycle defines parameters used in the collection process such as the number of days past the invoice or statement due date for notification of overdue bills, whether a dunning messages or collection letters are sent, and the number of days past due for each.

This required billing parameter defaults to any established for the Billing Profile or else from the current fiscal year on the Revenue section of the System Options (SOPT). If a customer account needs a different cycle, it can be selected. Ultimately, one could be specified at the individual receivable.

Electronic File Type

A unique code that is associated with a specific type of electronic file, used to execute electronic funds transfers (EFTs).  Valid values include N/A and FHWA.

Liability Insurance Accounting Template

Accounting Template for the Chart of Account (COA) elements that need to be used on the Liability Insurance lines. A template is required when Liability Insurance Rate is specified.

Liability Insurance Rate ID

An optional rate defined on the Billing Rate (BILLR) page that is used to charge Customers for Liability Insurance on Receivable (RE) and draft Cash Receipt (CR) transactions generated by the Reimbursement Output Process.

File Prefix

A conditionally required field when the Electronic File Type is FHWA for the prefix required by the FHWA File Generation process.


Bankruptcy is an indication the customer account has been placed on an automatic stay during bankruptcy proceedings and creditors are barred from taking further billing and collection actions with the debtor. This indication can be selected for a Customer on Vendor/Customer (VCUST) or through the Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transaction. It can also be set at the individual Customer Account record or on individual receivables. When set on VCUST, the setting is pushed to all corresponding Customer Account Option records.

If set on Customer Account Options and that customer account is setup to receive centralized statements, the system will suppress central statements and central past due statements by marking the Suppress Central Statement and Suppress Central Past Due Statement fields true on the Vendor Customer record.  

Whether manually set at the Customer Account or pushed down from Vendor Customer, the Suppress Auto Finance Charge, Suppress Billing and Suppress Past Due Billing are all marked true. If later changed to false in either location, all three indications must also be changed to false, if applicable at that time. If the Vendor Customer record is setup to receive centralized statements, you will need to manually remove the suppression, if needed, by updating the Suppress Central Statement and the Suppress Central Past Due Statement fields to false.

Suppress Billing

An indication to suppress regular billing that is set manually or set automatically when Bankruptcy is true. When true, the Suppress Auto Finance Charge, Suppress Billing and Suppress Past Due Billing fields are set to true as well. Any of the invoice or statement creation system process will skip this customer account while marked true.

Suppress Past Due Billing

An indication that a customer account should not be processed by the Past Due Invoice process to create dunning notices or collection letters.

Suppress Auto Finance Charge

An indication that a customer account should not have the finance charges applied to outstanding receivables that are established for the Billing Profile. There is also a corresponding indication on Vendor Customer for those customer accounts that use the central statement functionality.


An indication that the customer account is in dispute for one or more receivables. When set to true, any new receivables entered against the customer account will get a message to this fact. The severity of that message and the appropriate action is defined locally.

Dispute Reason

A required reason when the Dispute indication is true. This field is for informational purposes only.

Bill Parent

An indication set by the system based on the Billing Locations of Parent Address with Customer Copy and Parent Address Only to control system processing so that bills are sent to the billing address of the Headquarter account for the customer.

Customer Relations Activity

An indication set by the system to indicate a customer account has had a record manually added to the Accounts Receivable Correspondence History (RCHT) page. The indication can be used for reporting purposes.

External Account

As a customer account within Advantage may also correspond to a customer account in a third-party application where the customer is more familiar with their account number from the separate system than from Advantage, that other account number can be recorded in this field. If the External Account is populated, it will automatically be added to the output XML of Generate Invoice, Generate Statement, Past Due Invoice, Past Due Statement, and Payment Plan for placement into those forms.

Enable Electronic Billing

When enabled, the Invoice and Statement PDFs created by the Generate Invoice and Generate Statement processes are emailed to the customer using the Email Address field.

This is the final of three locations where this feature is enabled.

Enable Past Due Electronic Billing

When enabled, the Past Due Notice PDFs created by the Past Due Invoice process are emailed to the customer using the Email Address field.

This is the final of three locations where this feature is enabled.

Enable Electronic Collection Letters

When enabled, the Collection Letter PDFs created by the Past Due Invoice and Past Due Statement processes are emailed to the customer using the Email Address field.

This is the final of three locations where this feature is enabled.

Enable Payment Plan

When enabled, the Agreement, Reminder, Cancellation, and Completion of Payment Plan PDFs created by the Generate Payment Plan process are emailed to the customer using the Email Address field.

This is the final of three locations where this feature is enabled.

Email Address

The email address used by any of the AR processes that are enabled to send PDF emails. The email address is inferred from the Contact Information associated with the selected Address ID for the customer account when the customer account Correspondence Type is Email. If no email address is available, the PDF must be delivered to the customer by another means.

Transmission Mode

Indicates the format of customer correspondences sent through email to customers. The only valid choice currently is PDF.  

Parent Address ID

A conditionally required indication of a parent customer address for sending a second copy of customer correspondence emails.

Parent Email Address

The email address of the parent customer used by any of the AR processes that are enabled to send PDF emails. The email address is inferred from the Contact Information associated with the selected Address ID for the customer account when the Correspondence Type for the address contact is Email.

Third Party Options 1 – 10

This group of fields is used to associate 1 to 10 third party customers to a customer to send additional bills.

Third Party Email 1 – 10

Indicates the Email Address of the Third-Party Customer to whom an email is sent. The email address is inferred from the Contact Information with a Correspondence Type of Email associated with the Address ID.

CSS Status

This is the inferred status from the parent Vendor Customer record.

CSS Enabled

The inferred indication from the parent Billing Profile record as to whether or not information for the customer account appears for a customer when logged in.


The inferred user ID from the parent Vendor Customer record.