Suppress Printing of Statements
You can suppress the printing of statements altogether by selecting the Suppress Billing indicator on the Customer Account Options table for individual statements or the Suppress Central Statement Billing indicator on the Vendor/Customer table for central statements. When a statement is suppressed, it will still be generated and update the Statement Print Inquiry table, but will not be included in the print process. Generating but not printing the statement allows you to view the statement if needed. The aforementioned Suppress Billing flag and Suppress Central Statement Billing flag are automatically selected if the Bankruptcy flag is selected. You can manually change the setting of the flags after the initial save. If the Bankruptcy flag is cleared, the value of the Suppress Billing flag and the Suppress Central Statement Billing flag are not automatically cleared. You must manually clear the flags, if needed.
For more information about collection actions that can result in suppressed billing, see Past-due Billing.