Allotments (Allotment Options)

Allotments are a budget tool that allows the control of spending against a budget over defined time periods. As with budget structures and levels, allotments must also be designed into a structure. Online setup pages will not enable allotments to exist for a structure that does not have them designed.

Allotment lines are just like a budget line in almost every respect. They both are defined by COA elements, contain multiple budget amounts that correspond to the type of budget (expense or revenue), are created by budget transactions, have an online query, are tracked in the budget journal, and have an audit level. The only three differences are: they are stored in a separate allotment structure; are never automatically generated; and are required to have a time component in their definition.

Allotments are always designed to be for just one budget level. The budget level for allotment attachment does not have to be the lowest or highest level, but can be in between the two. Sample structures would be:

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Within CGI Advantage, rules used to define allotments can differ across budget structures and budget fiscal years. Setup of these rules is on a page accessed through the Allotment Options listing in Related Pages in the row menu on the Budget Structure page.