Budget Level Inquiries
Each level of each budget structure above the audit level (tracking transactions which have updated the budget structure) has an online inquiry page.
Each inquiry contains a summary grid of budget lines with scalar portions that displays details of a selected budget line in the grid. Among the fields shown in the scalar sections are two sets of amounts. One is of those amounts updated by the budget transaction with calculations of those same amounts. The other section is those amounts updated by accounting transactions, calculations of those same amounts, and calculations of both types of amounts. Note: there may be amount fields that are not visible that need to be configured on Configure Page (DESIGNER). The remaining section of the inquiry page includes the key fields, descriptive fields, and flags. These sections vary by type of budget and in some cases there are unique features available to only a single budget structure. Please see the sub section called Budget Levels in the Advanced – Setup as there is a table there that describes each baseline structure and any unique features of a structure.
These inquiries are used to provide the latest totals for a budget line as they are updated in real-time with transaction processing. In addition to those totals, the budget inquires have a number of small windows of information that open from symbols next to the amounts and items in the Related Pages section of the row menu:
The icon following each calculated amount will show you the formula of that calculated amount.
The icon following each stand-alone amount will show you the amount of pending increases, pending decreases, and accepted amount totals for that stand alone amount.
Selecting the stand-alone budget amount itself will open a window that displays all non-zero transactions that have updated that stand-alone amount.
The Budget Query $0 listing in the row menu will transition you to the Budget Journal and perform an automatic search for all journal records against that budget line where the Dollar Amount on the budget transaction was $0, as those cannot be seen in the window that shows non-zero transactions.
The Budget Line Controls listing in the row menu will open the Control Formula View window to show you any line-level controls that have been set for a budget line.
The Linked Revenue listing in the row menu will open the Link Review – Expense to Revenue window that will display all links established for an expense budget line. Not all budget inquiry pages show this option.
The Supported Expense Budgets listing in the row menu will open the Link Review – Revenue to Expense window that will display all links established for an expense budget line. Not all budget inquiry pages show this option.
The Allotments listing in the row menu will open the Allotments window, which closely resembles a budget inquiry, to show the allotment lines of a budget line. Not all budget inquiry pages show this option.
The Next Level and Previous Level row menu options will transition you down or up to another budget inquiry. These are only displayed if navigation is available in either direction.
The delivered page codes for these inquiries are all structured the same:
BQ (Budget Query) + ## (Structure ID) + LVL (Budget Level) + ## (Level ID) =
BQ30LV1 = Budget Structure 30 Level 1
Download ActionDownload Action
There is a download action available on this page that has a 2000 line limit. Just as transactions are not listed online that have had a net impact of zero on a budget line, the download will not display those either. This is a result of the download being only the set of records returned in the online query. For example, the entry of an accrued expenditure on a payment request transaction that is then cancelled before being disbursed will not be listed as any update to accrued expenditures from the first version that was reversed on the cancellation.
The delivered template (BUD_TMPL.xlsx) for the download can be changed to remove or add columns. When adding columns, the audit or activity budget level of the budget structure is the data source for the download.