Link a Revenue Budget Line to an Expense Budget Line

The following depicts the online creation of a link between existing revenue and spending budget lines. This task can be a sub task to "Create Budget Lines", or "Modify Budget Lines".

  1. Create an instance of the desired budget transaction code.

  2. Complete the Header tab and navigate to the Budget Level linked.

  3. Insert a new budget line.

  1. Set the Action value to Modify.

  2. Leave the Event Type field to default to Adopt (BG01 for spending budgets, BG23 for revenue budgets, or BG22 - Award for reimbursement budgets).  If there is no default or another event type is to be used, manually enter the value or use the pick.

  3. Leave the Dollar Amount default of $0.00.

  4. Enter values in each of the COA fields that will define the existing expense budget line. Use any picks as necessary. None of these fields can be left blank.

  5. Use the Choose Revenue Line(s) option to open the Choose Revenue Line page.

  6. Using the search window that appears, enter COA to locate the revenue budget line for linking.

  7. Select the revenue budget line.

  8. Use the Link action.

  9. Close the Choose Revenue Budget window.

  1. Select the Choose Revenue Line(s) choice from the row-level menu under Related Pages.               

  1. Change the Floor from the default of $0.00 if the revenue budget line has to reach a certain point before funding the expense budget line.

  2. Set the Ceiling to a value if the revenue budget line should stop funding the expense budget line at a certain point.

  3. Set the Link % field if the amount of funding from the revenue budget line should not be dollar for dollar.          

  1. Locate the revenue budget data you need, use the selection box to indicate which line(s) to link, then choose the Link action above the grid.

  2. Return to your expense budget transaction.

  3. Select the Link choice under Related Actions in the row-level menu to review and adjust the settings of your link(s).

  4. Validate the transaction.

  5. If any errors are issued, fix the errors and repeat Step 8. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 10.

  6. Submit the transaction.