Modify a Budget Link
The following depicts the online modification of a link between revenue and spending budget lines. This task can be combined with others as a sub task.
To modify allotment lines, perform the same steps in the Link a Revenue Budget Line to an Expense Budget Line to the point of entering data on the new budget line inserted:
Set the Action value to Modify.
Set the Event Type field to Amend (BG03 for spending budgets, BG25 for revenue budgets, or BG22 - Award for reimbursement budgets). If there is another event type to be used, manually enter the value or use the pick.
Leave the Dollar Amount as the default value of $0.00.
Enter values in each of the COA fields that will define the existing expense budget line. Use any picks as necessary. None of these fields can be left blank.
At this point the steps differ.
Choose the Load Existing Links action in the row menu.
Choose the Link action from the row menu to open the Links window.
To remove the erroneous link, select the line and set the Link Action to Delete.
To adjust the other link, select the line and set the Link % field to 50.000% so that 50 cents of every revenue dollar can fund spending.
Save the update and close the Links window.
The modification scenario picks back up at the ‘Validate the budget transaction step of the create scenario.