Home Page Configuration

The Home Page Configuration (HOMEPG) reference page is used to define each instance of a home page available for association to a business role. Refer to the “Home Page Configuration” common business task for pre-requisites and steps for setting up a home page.

This page consists of two separate tabs.

General InformationGeneral Information

Field Name



A unique identification of a home page instance for system use.  IDs 1, 2, and 3 are reserved for the following delivered home pages: Basic home page, Employee Page 1, and HRM Manager Page 1.


A required long descriptive name of a home page.

Short Name

A required short descriptive name of a home page.


A required lengthy description of a home page that is intended to capture the intended use or content of the home page.

Internal Description

An optional lengthy descriptive field to capture any type of internal information for subsequent business role administrators about a home page.


An indication that can be used to prevent the association of a home page to a business role.


Indicates whether the home page is a Mobile Home Page.

You will not be able to delete the mobile home page if it is associated with a business role.

The Mobile field is disabled (display only) while editing a home page so that the home page created for the mobile application cannot be converted into a web home page and vice versa.

Associated Business Roles

A system-maintained field that lists each Business Role ID and Business Role Name that a home page is associated with for informational purposes in the event, a modification to the home page is being considered and the impact of that change needs to be known.


The Workspace tab is used to define the layout of a home page. Workspace can be viewed in two view modes: Canvas and Grid. The Canvas view is displayed by default. Users can toggle the button to switch between Canvas and Grid views. The toggle to switch views is displayed on the top right portion of the Workspace tab.

The workspace layout of a Web Home Page differs from a Mobile Home Page. A Web Home Page supports an 8 column layout and a Mobile Home Page supports a 2 column layout.

On the Mobile Home Page, a maximum of two widgets or QuickLinks can be displayed in a row.

Canvas View:

The Canvas View lists widgets and QuickLinks from the Widget Library and QuickLink Library pages. The Filter field, which is present in both the Widget and QuickLink tabs, is used to filter the items present in the Widget and QuickLink lists. A minimum of three characters should be entered to activate the filter. Widgets and QuickLink items can be added to the Workspace by clicking the Add button. Once they have been added to the Workspace, they can be aligned by dragging and dropping each to the desired location.

Grid View:

The Grid View helps keyboard users to create a home page using the standard grid paradigm of Advantage 4 and perform selection/placement actions for the Widgets/QuickLinks. All capabilities of the default Canvas view behavior can be achieved through the Grid View. Once the user switches to the Grid view using the toggle button, an Editable Grid is displayed where users can add/edit the Widgets and QuickLinks using standard grid based actions and editable fields.

The editable grid has the following columns:

  • Widget/QuickLinks – Users can add a Widget or a QuickLink using the drop-down. 

  • ID – Users can select the Widget or QuickLink that needs added to the home page using the picklist field.

  • Name – This read only column displays the name of the Widget/QuickLink selected in the ID column.

  • Quicklink Icon – This column displays the associated QuickLink icon of the QuickLink selected in the ID column. 

  • Display Order – This is a numeric field to set the display order of the Widget/QuickLink added to the home page.

  • New Row – This field indicates whether the Widget/QuickLink should be added in a new row. The default value is No. If Yes is selected from the drop-down, then the Widget/QuickLink is added in a new row. If No is selected, then the Widget/QuickLink will be placed based on the space available on the existing row and the display order set in the Display Order column. Note: The system moves the Widget/QuickLink to a new row automatically, if the previous row space is not enough to display the new Widget/QuickLink properly.

  • Description – Provides the description of the selected Widget or QuickLink.


  • The placement of the Widgets or QuickLinks may differ if the view is changed from Grid to Canvas or vice versa, but display order will remain the same.

  • On the Mobile Home Page, if the Workspace layout is not defined, the system will provide a default layout.