Widget Library
Widgets must first be defined on the Widget Library (WIDLIB) before they can be used on a home page. The Widget Library page is separated into two sections: General Information and a table of Widget Parameters at the bottom. (Note: Widgets added to other pages in Advantage cannot be refreshed individually. Instead, you must reload the page to refresh all widgets on the page.)
General InformationGeneral Information
Field Name |
Description |
ID |
This is a unique identification automatically assigned by Advantage when a widget is added to the Widget Library. IDs less than 500000 are reserved for delivered and sample widgets. Numbering is controlled by a Unique Numbering record of ADV_WIDGET_LIBRARY. |
Name |
Indicates the name of the widget that appears online for user reference. |
Type |
Type Indicates the type of widget for editing and system processing. Valid values are:
Description |
An optional description of the widget for informational purposes to expand upon what is in the Name field. |
Mobile |
Indicates whether the widget is to be used on a mobile or non-mobile home page.
Height |
Each widget requires a defined height in pixels (for example, 600px). On a Mobile widget, Height is derived based on the Size field. It defaults to 180 px for a default size of 1X1. |
Width |
Each widget requires a defined width in columns. Valid values are 1 to 8. On a Mobile widget, Width is derived based on the Size field. It defaults to 1 column for a default size of 1X1. |
Size |
This field is only enabled when the Mobile check box is selected. For Mobile Widgets, indicates the size of widgets. |
Application Name |
An inferred field indicating the application associated with the selection made for Page Code for system processing purposes. |
Page Code |
The Advantage page to connect an application page, summary number, or visualization page to the Advantage page that is the widget. |
Component ID |
If the Type is Image, then this field indicates the image file name. The image has to be placed under RTFiles at this folder admbase/standard/images. The value in the Component ID field should be: ‘{{image/imagefilename.png}}’. If the image is new, then you must run the Key Value Metadata Generator process to add the image to the image.pdb file. The system must be bounced after pdb deployment. Then the image can be associated with a home page. |
Component URL |
The URL to connect an audio or video widget to what is retrieved for the home page user. |
Report Name |
The Power BI Paginated Report, Power BI Dashboard, or Power BI Analytics name that will be retrieved from the Advantage Insight Server. Reports can be searched by the Power BI workspace name too. |
Workspace Name |
This field is visible only when the Type selected is Power BI Analytic, Power BI Dashboard, or Power BI Paginated Report. When a record is selected from the Report Name pick, the Workspace Name field is populated from the selected record in pick. |
Widget ParametersWidget Parameters
Widget Parameters holds the additional attributes required for a widget to load. For example, Row level security (RLS) for analytics required an additional parameter to support the analytics to load (RLSRole = Department Security).
When creating a new record on the Widget Library page, the Add Record action in the Widget Parameters section is enabled after successfully saving information in the General Information section.
Field Name |
Description |
Parameter Name |
Indicates the parameter necessary for the widget. You can only select from valid widget parameters established on the Widget Parameters page for the selected Widget Type (for example, RLSRole). |
Parameter Value |
Indicates the parameter value for the parameter. For example, if Parameter Name is RLSRole, valid values for delivered Insight Models (Datasets) are Department Security, Department Unit Security, No Security, and Employee Security. For PB reports, use PB Security or No Security. The Employee Security role is limited to the HRM reports. |
Description |
Description of the parameter that is intended to capture the intended use or content of the parameter. |
Report Name |
If the Type field is set to Power BI Dashboard, then the Report Name field is available in the Widget Parameter grid. This field provides a pick list that lists all reports that belong to the Power BI Dashboard. |
Validating Power BI widgetsValidating Power BI widgets
Power BI Analytic, Power BI Dashboard, and Power BI Paginated reports can be validated using the Validate Power BI Embedding button while creating/updating a widget on the WIDLIB page.
The validation result will appear in the form of a grid in a pop-up window. It will display the outcome of each step of the Power BI report validation process. This helps identify issues with the setup while creating the Power BI widget. If there are no errors on the validation window then a “Report Validation Successful” message is displayed verifying that setup is correct and the Power BI report will load properly.
Note: For multi-dataset Power BI Analytic or Power BI Paginated Report, the RLS role configured would be passed to all datasets. For example, a report uses two datasets (General Accounting and Accounts Receivable Transaction) and the Department Security role is configured as a widget parameter, then the same role would be passed to both and data would be retrieved accordingly.
Delivered WidgetsDelivered Widgets
Widget |
Description |
Home Application |
Admin Worklist |
This worklist displays the Administration transactions assigned directly to a given user or were tasks taken by that user. The individual record actions available are the same as with the primary Administration worklist. |
Admin |
Financial Worklist |
This worklist displays the Financial transactions assigned directly to a given user or were tasks taken by that user. The individual record actions available are the same as with the primary Financial worklist. |
HRM Worklist |
This worklist displays the Human Resource Management transactions assigned directly to a given user or were tasks taken by that user. The individual record actions available are the same as with the primary Human Resource Management worklist. |
PB Worklist |
This worklist displays the Performance Budgeting requests assigned directly to a given user or were tasks taken by that user. The individual record actions available are the same as with the primary Performance Budgeting worklist. |
PB |
All Worklist Dash for Admin |
This widget displays list of work items (Admin application) from logged in users ALL (Personal and Approval Role) work list. User can open the transaction or can perform all worklist actions direct from widget. |
Admin |
All Worklist Dash for FIN |
This widget displays list of work items (FIN application) from logged in users ALL (Personal and Approval Role) work list. User can open the transaction or can perform all worklist actions direct from widget. |
All Worklist Dash for HRM |
This widget displays list of work items (HRM application) from logged in users ALL (Personal and Approval Role) work list. User can open the transaction or can perform all worklist actions direct from widget. |
Browsing History |
This widget shows the list of pages visited by the user for the current session across Advantage. To return to a page, the user only has to select the link to be navigated back. |
All |
Upload spreadsheet for Admin |
This widget supports the uploading of only transactions on the Administration Transaction Control reference page through a spreadsheet template. |
Admin |
Upload spreadsheet for FIN |
This widget supports the uploading of only transactions on the Financial Transaction Control reference page through a spreadsheet template. |
Upload spreadsheet for HRM |
This widget supports the uploading of only transactions on the Human Resource Management Transaction Control reference page through a spreadsheet template. |
Admin Last 10 Transactions |
This widget shows the last 10 Administration transactions where the user took some action on the transaction other than just viewing. To return to a transaction, the user only has to select the link to be navigated back. |
Admin |
Financial Last 10 Transactions |
This widget shows the last 10 Financial transactions where the user took some action on the transaction other than just viewing. To return to a transaction, the user only has to select the link to be navigated back. |
HRM Last 10 Transactions |
This widget shows the last 10 Human Resource Management transactions where the user took some action on the transaction other than just viewing. To return to a transaction, the user only has to select the link to be navigated back. |
Tasklist |
This widget shows a list of all the open tasks assigned to a given user. The list pulls from the User Task listing found only in Human Resource Management. The status of tasks is identified by color codes. |
Employee Leave Balance Alert |
This widget shows the leave Balance for a given user of the various types of leave that are close to thresholds. |
Calendar |
This widget shows a weekly view of the calendar a given user, starting with the current day and showing seven days. The widget also provides the ability to toggle between weeks and drill into the calendar page. This widget is targeted for employee roles where other Advantage activity is not displayed. |
Useful Links |
This widget shows the links that have been configured in the Downloadable Forms for Administrator (ADOWN) page. Users are able to select a link to launch the specified website or attachment in a separate window. |
Timesheet Certification |
This widget lists timesheets that require an employee or manager to certify. Use of this widget only applies when the timesheet certification feature is turned on in timesheet setup. |
My Work |
This widget provides a user quick access to the HRM transactions created by and for a user that are in progress or pending approval. |
My Work |
This widget provides a user quick access to the Financial transactions created by and for a user that are in progress or pending approval. |
My Travel Work |
Copy of the My Work widget with the difference being that it only shows travel transactions. This widget opens travel transactions in the wizard mode when the Alternate Page Code field is completed on Transaction Control. The following Application Parameter can limit which travel transactions show: TRVL_WRK_EMP_WIDGET_DOCCD_FILTER |
Upcoming Events |
This widget lists upcoming events such as birthdays and anniversaries for the employees who report to a manager. |
Upcoming Leave Requests |
This widget lists upcoming leaves that begin in the next 30 days for the employees who report to a manager. |
Manager Leave Balance Alerts |
This widget shows the leave Balances of the employees who report to ta manager that are close to the thresholds. |
Expiring Licenses/Certifications |
This widget lists those employees who report to a manager with licenses or certificates expiring in the next 30 days. |
Account Summary Widget |
This widget displays the important account information to a Vendor Self Service user to include: the current 1099, EFT, and vendor status as well as who the primary account administrator is. |
Announcements Widget |
This widget displays all of the relevant messages and announcements the Vendor Self Service Administrator has posted to the vendor community. The announcements are displayed or hidden dynamically. Announcement settings in Vendor Self Service Administration control this feature. |
Financial Balance Overview Visualization Widget |
For sites that have enabled the Financial Inquiries module in Vendor Self Service, this widget displays a high-level summary of the financial transactions issued or pending on the vendor’s account, in the form of an interactive donut chart. For any further details, the vendors have to navigate to the corresponding inquiry page. |
My Watchlist Widget |
This widget allows a vendor to see a quick summary of the solicitations and business opportunities that they have added to their Watchlist to track or respond. |
My Commodities Widget |
This widget displays a quick summary of solicitations and business opportunities that are published with commodities for which the vendor has registered. |
My Activity Widget |
This widget displays a summarized view of all the vendors’ transactions that need further updates or review. For example, if the vendor started a response but did not complete it, the response would show. If a buyer has amended an already published solicitation that the vendor has responded to, it would also show. |
Admin Approvals |
This mobile application widget navigates a user to the list of all pending Administration transactions. |
Admin |
Financial Approvals |
This mobile application widget navigates a user to the list of all pending Financial transactions. |
HRM Approvals |
This mobile application widget navigates a user to the list of all pending Human Resource Management transactions. |
PB Approvals |
This mobile application widget navigates a user to the list of all pending Performance Budgeting requestsa |
PB |
My Onboarding Tasks |
My Onboarding Tasks |
My Information Widget |
My Information Widget |
Performance Journey |
On the Employee Performance Landing page (Snapshot) this is a timeline chart that shows the progress of Primary evaluation along with the dates of various milestones and the conversation check-ins. |
Performance Score History |
This is a widget on the Employee Performance landing page (Snapshot) that provides bar and line chart representation of Performance Ratings achieved by an employee in the last 5 reporting periods. |
Evaluation Progress |
This is a widget on the Manager Performance Summary landing page, which shows the progress made by the reporting employees for the primary evaluation on assigned Goals, Trainings, and Competencies. It shows the percentage completion on each employee level and overall reporting level. |
Appreciations |
This Widget is available to both Manager and Employee on the Performance Landing pages. It shows the appreciations received within the department, within the team, and for self. This widget has two buttons:
Overall Rating Trends |
This is a widget on Manager Performance Summary landing page, which shows the trend of performance ratings received by reporting members for the primary Evaluation over the last 3 reporting periods. |
Review Status |
This is a widget on the Manager Performance Summary landing page, which shows the count of Primary Evaluations that are Not Started, In Progress, and completed for the reporting employees. |
My Journey Status |
This is a widget on the Employee Performance landing page (Snapshot), which shows the progress on assigned Goals, Trainings, and Competencies by the employee for the primary Evaluation. It shows the percentage completion on each Goal, Training, and competency and also shows the overall completion summary. |
Alert |
The widget displays the last 10 alerts that the user has received. Users may navigate to the Alerts page by selecting the View All option. Optional row-level actions allow users to mark an Alert as read or unread, or alerts may also be deleted. Created primarily for Customer Self Service but may be used on other home pages to bring direct attention to alerts. |
Text |
The widget can be used to display both text and image or text only. |
Invoice Due |
Designed for Customer Self Service to display five different pieces of information for a primary account. It also allows a customer to pay 1 of 3 groups of invoices. First is the total number of invoices that are due till the current date. Next is a Current amount that is invoices due on the current date. An Overdue amount is the total due prior than the current date. Lastly is a Total Due that is the sum of the previous 2 amounts. The remainder of this widget displays the invoices with an outstanding amount of more than $0.00, with an option to select one to pay in full. |
Amount Due |
Designed for Customer Self Service to display four different totals for all accounts associated with the primary account. Not Yet Due is the total amount of invoices that are due after the current date. Due in 7 Days is the total amount that is due within the next 7 days from the current date and including the current date. Overdue 1 to 30 days is the total amount past due less than 30 days. Overdue 30+ days – Total amount past due more than 30 days. |
Amount Summary |
Designed for Customer Self Service to display limited information such as Account (Customer ID, Legal Name and Email) of a primary account. None of the variations in this information that may come from other Vendor/Customer records associated with the primary account by sharing the same User ID are shown. Also shown is a summary of several amounts for all customer accounts associated with the parent account. |
My Templates |
This widget is designed to support the heavy use of transaction templates in Financial. While a user can find them on the Transaction Catalog and even bookmark them, this widget pulls together all templates that a user has bookmarked for easy access. |