Application Parameters
Although considered an administrative reference page, the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page is part of general system configuration. Options on this table are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors. It is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields. Of the controls on this table, those listed below directly relate to the Chart of Accounts area. Each is discussed in other sections in this user guide where functionality is detailed that uses the application parameter. Note: Any changes to records on this table should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for CGI Advantage Financial.
Chart of Accounts Controls
Parameter |
Description |
BFY Inference Tables (BFY_INF_TBLS) |
This parameter defines the order of the special COA inference pages designed to infer BFY 9999 to posting lines created by those transactions where the COA of a line does not come from the accounting line, as the BFY from the accounting line may not necessarily fit the ‘other party’ on the transaction. This includes the following delivered transaction codes: Payment Request Commodity Internal (PRCI), Matching Payment Request Internal (PRMI), Internal Transaction Agreement (ITA), Internal Exchange Transaction (IET), and all Inventory transactions that post accounting except the Stock Request (SRQ) transaction, the Inventory Adjustment (IA and IIA) transactions, and the Fixed Asset transactions that record either an internal sale or a transfer that is the equivalent of a sale. Updates to this parameter should rarely be made. |
BSA Integrity Check (BSA_INTEG_CHK) |
Determines whether the BSA Integrity Check should be performed at Fund and BSA on the Inception-to-Date (ITD) Balance Sheet Summary inquiry page or at Fund, Sub Fund, BSA, and Sub BSA on the Inception-to-Date (ITD) Balance Sheet Detail inquiry page. This parameter is used in conjunction with the Level of Balance Control setting on the Balance Sheet Account reference page. |
COA Deletion Prevention (COA_DEL_PREVENTION) |
This parameter can have one of the following values: 1 = Usage verification but deletion not allowed 2 = Usage verification and deletion allowed 3 = Usage verification disabled so deletion is allowed. The delivered value for this parameter is 1.Refer to the “Deletion Of” section under the “CGI Advantage Delivered Chart of Accounts” topic for more information on how this parameter is used. |
COA Deletion Verification Minutes (COA_DEL_VERIFY_MIN) |
The number of minutes allowed to pass since the last verification of a COA record’s use before the system will require re-verifications. The value should not be too large so that a COA code can be used between the first deletion and last deletion attempt. The value should not be too low as that would require the user doing the deletion to perform the final deletion attempt immediately after the verification job. The delivered value for this parameter is 30. |
COA Effective Date Error Code (COA_EFF_DT_ERROR_CODE) |
This parameter indicates the error code used when a COA element specified on the transaction accounting line does not exist on the COA reference table where the transaction Record Date is within the effective date of the COA reference table record. The parameter value is A761=A8353; A1714=A8353. If the COA element specified on the transaction accounting line exists on the associated COA reference table and the transaction Record Date does not fall within the effective dates defined on the reference table, the system will parse the parameter value of A761 and issue the error code related to it. If the COA element specified on the transaction accounting line does not exist on the associated COA reference table and the transaction Record Date falls within the effective dates defined on the reference table, the system will parse the parameter value of A1714 and issue the error code related to it. The error message will be issued in the following format: The effective dates for the <element name> <element value> on the <reference table> table prevents usage. The A8353 is delivered with baseline; however, sites have the option to change this code to something else. Alternatively, sites can set up two different error codes - one for A761 and one for A1714. |
Default Reporting Basis (DFLT_MJPRG_REIM_BAS_IND) |
The parameter controls the initial default for the Reporting Basis field on the Major Program reference page and the Major Program tab of the Cost Accounting Setup transaction. The parameter allows changing the default so the most common, the only allowed, or the most conservative value can default. Valid values are: 1 (Accrual), 2 (Cash), 3 (Encumbrance), 4 (Required-No Inference), and 5 (Prohibited). As delivered, Accrual is the default. |
Pool Cash Balance Tracking (CBAL_POOL) |
When set to True, updates are made to the Cash Balance Pool inquiry page. When using this level of cash tracking/control, all Funds must have an associated Fund Type even if a Fund will not be controlled at the pool but the individual Fund. |
Powerful Inference Override (DOC_COA_OVRD_PWR_INF) |
This parameter is used when a COA Inference page uses the weak inference method (only completes blank transaction fields) to change that inference to be a powerful one. Optionally used with this feature is the capability to make an empty or blank field on an inference record clear out the corresponding transaction field. To do that a new Application Parameter record has to be added with the following format: DOC_COA_OVRD_PWR_INF + (database table name). As an example, the Organization Inference table INF_FUND_FUNC_ACTV would be added with the Parameter Name as DOC_COA_OVRD_PWR_INF_INF_FUND_FUNC_ACTV. The field that should clear out the transaction field would then be specified in the Parameter Value. Continuing the example, the value of FUNC_CD would ensure that an Organization Inference with the Function field blank would clear out any value for Function on a transaction that matches to that record. |
Service Date Editing Object Level (SRV_DT_OBJ_LVL) |
This parameter is used when COA Service Date Editing is enabled for PR and ABS transaction codes on Transaction Control to define which levels of object are read: R_OBJ, R_SOBJ, R_DOBJ. Leave blank for no object control. Enter 1 for a single control. Enter more than 1 separated by commas if multiple with the lowest level first. |
COA Inferences to Skip in Front End Split (DISABLE_DOCCOA_PL_EDTR_PRNT_CHCK) |
When a COA inference should not occur on a posting line that will undergo front end split because the change of COA after the split will conflict with the inference, this parameter is used. Currently, only the Function Inference (INF_FUNC) is supported as most inferences will not conflict. |