Application Parameters

Although considered an administrative reference page, the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page is part of general system configuration. Options on this page are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors. It is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields. Of the controls on this page, those listed below directly relate to the Cost Accounting area. Many are discussed in other sections in this user guide where functionality is detailed that uses the application parameter. Note: Any changes to records on this table should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for CGI Advantage Financial.

Field Name


Default Split Type


The parameter controls the initial default for the Split Type field on Major Program and Cost Accounting Setup. The parameter allows changing the default so that the most common, the only allowed, or the most conservative value can default.

Valid values are: 1 (Front End Split FES), 2 (Back End Split BES), 3 (No Automated Splits - No Bill), and 4 (No Automated Splits - Manual). As delivered, No Automated Splits - No Bill is the default.

Default Reporting Basis


The parameter controls the initial default for the Reporting Basis field on the Major Program reference page and the Major Program tab of the Cost Accounting Setup transaction. The parameter allows changing the default so the most common, the only allowed, or the most conservative value can default.

Valid values are: 1 (Accrual), 2 (Cash), 3 (Encumbrance), 4 (Required-No Inference), and 5 (Prohibited). As delivered, Accrual is the default.

Reimbursement Budget Availability


The Budget Control ID that will be used by the application to determine budget availability for reimbursement budget structures when performing Front End Split (FES) and Back End Split (BES).  As delivered, this parameter can be set to budget control IDs: 13, 14, 29, and 41.

The control selected should match the formula of the Split Availability budget amount.

Reimbursement Budget Total Costs


The amounts from the Reimbursement Budget Availability formula that will be set to zero when the application is calculating Total Costs for splitting. As delivered, this parameter is budget amount 21 – Awarded.

Perform BFY Logic in FES


This parameter indicates whether or not a secondary split based on budget fiscal year in a non-reimbursement budget structure should be a feature available to funding lines.

As delivered, this feature is set to false.

BFY FES Budget Structure


This parameter indicates the budget structure with a BFY key that controls the secondary split in FES based on budget fiscal year.  Such a structure should be an expense only or appropriation structure.

BFY FES Budget Level


This parameter indicates the budget level in the BFY FES Budget Structure that controls the secondary split in FES.

BFY FES Budget Control ID


This parameter indicates the budget control used in the secondary split of FES to define what funds are available for a budget year.

COA Inferences to Skip in Front End Split


When a COA inference should not occur on a posting line that will undergo front end split because the change of COA after the split will conflict with the inference, this parameter is used. Currently, only the Function Inference (INF_FUNC) is supported as most inferences will not conflict.

Validate Fund and Appr against VFAPPR on Funding lines


When True, an edit is triggered on Funding Profile to check if the Fund and Appr combination is present in the VFAPPR table on funding and Internal Buyer Funding Lines. Valid values are True or False.