Funding Control

The Funding Control tab of the FNDC transaction is dynamic in that the choice of Control Page determines which fields on the tab are either editable or protected. For this reason, the Control Page choice should be made first before proceeding with additional data entry. The transaction clears any fields that do not apply to the selected control page.

The Line Action field is the driver of the five different tasks available for the transaction. Each Line Action is listed below along with any special restrictions that apply. Each action is the same for each funding award control page, but the required and optional fields change according to the table further below

The editable fields are shown below for each page. If a field listed below is not visible, it is because the field has been delivered as hidden and needs to be made visible with Configure Page (DESIGNER), if needed.

Control Page = Group

(Funding Group Control)

Control Page = Source

(Funding Source Control)

Control Page = Allocation

(Funding Allocation Control)




Funding Year

Funding Year

Funding Year


Type of Funding


Funding Group

Funding Source ID

Funding Allocation ID


Pre-Defined Other Funding Source ID






Federal Agency



Funding Group





Current Year

Current Year

Current Year




It is possible to update more than one funding award control page with an FNDC transaction, but that requires multiple lines on the Funding Control tab. A single line cannot update multiple award control pages. For more information on these funding award control pages, please see the "Funding Source Control (FSC)", "Funding Group Control (FGC)", and "Funding Allocation Control (FAC)" topics.

The nature of this transaction is that all will be version 1 with no ability to modify or cancel a previously processed transaction. A new transaction is created and processed with a Line Action of Modify, Deactivate, Reactivate, or Delete.