Inquiry Pages

The Cost Accounting are contains a number of inquiry pages that are used to view the results from system and transaction processing.

Inquiries discussed in other guides:

  • Cost Accounting Journals and Ledgers – The Cost Accounting Journal page lists all accounting and non-accounting (i.e. charges) recorded to a Program. From this journal are built a number of ledgers that also serve as inquires. These are the Accounting Period, Fiscal Year, Budget Fiscal Year, and Inception to Date Cost Accounting Ledgers. The Financial Administration User Guide contains more information on journals and ledgers.

  • Cost Accounting Budget Inquiries – There are different budget structures available to track and control Cost Accounting. Few examples are 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 79, 88, and so on. The Budget Control User Guide contains more information on these budget structures, the transactions that update them, and the inquiry pages available to view budget lines.

Inquires discussed in the Cost Accounting User Guide: