Major Program
The Major Program (MJPRG) reference page establishes the Cost Accounting functional 'driver' of universal features and functionality required to handle the complexities related to grants, projects, and jobs, such as internal/external customer reimbursement, award processing, etc. During the setup process, the grant/project manager makes key decisions to determine utilization of the Major Program structure to establish a grant, project, or a job.
Major Program has the flexibility necessary to manage grants, projects and/or jobs concurrently. For example, within the same Major Program structure, the grant/project manager can set up one Program code to have FHWA project characteristics, while setting up another program to have internal job behaviors.
Overall, the Major Program allows the definition of the highest-level control element of the Cost Accounting structure and includes the global/overall characteristics and behaviors. For example, a Major Program could represent a multi-year Federal program across multiple award years or a Major Program could capture an entire block grant, which is then broken out into multiple programs for the various detail grants. Other examples of Major Programs are: Title IV-D - Child Enforcement Admin, School Lunch Program, and Lane Expansion Project on I-95. Another purpose of the Major Program is to link individual programs together and set control options that apply to all Programs that roll up to the Major Program.
The functionality and setup associated with making the determination between grant, project or job is outlined further throughout this user guide.
Beyond the common chart-of-account fields present (see the Chart of Accounts User Guide), there are a number of fields unique to Major Program. As there are a large number of unique fields, they are displayed in alphabetical order with some closely related fields grouped together.
Overhead Rate Exception – This related page link transitions you to the Overhead Rate Exception reference page to add, update, or review exception information for the selected Major Program.
Program Period – This related page link transitions you to the Program Period reference page to add, update, or review program period information for the selected Major Program.
History - This related page link transitions you to the Cost Accounting Transaction History inquiry page to review the transactions that created and have updated the Major Program.
Field InformationField Information
Any fields listed below that are not visible on the page have been hidden using Configure Page (DESIGNER). If such a field is needed, that page can be used to make the field visible.
Field Name |
Description |
Auto Generate Prefix |
In order to assign the next available number to a Major Program, set the Auto Generate indication is true and enter the desired Prefix. The next available number from the Cost Accounting Auto Numbering reference page for Major Programs will be populated. Leave as false and blank if manually assigning a value. |
Assistance Listing Validation Required |
An indication that when true will trigger the system to validate that the combination of Federal Catalog Prefix and Federal Catalog Suffix entered in the setup of Program Periods and Funding Lines exists on the Assistance Listing Number reference page. |
Drawdown Group Drawdown Department Drawdown Unit |
Major Programs have the ability to be associated with a Drawdown Group for grouping reimbursements. |
Federal Appropriation Setup |
This setting determines where the Federal Appropriation value should be retrieved from when running the FHWA File Generation Process. There are two options: Program Period and Funding Line. |
Federal Aid Project Number |
The Major Program and the combination of Program and Phase (PHPRG) are the two locations where a Federal Aid Project Number can be associated for reporting purposes. The field is optional, free-form, and open to other uses. Conditional requirements can be done through a Configurable Rule to ensure a value is captured when necessary. In the event that the same number should not be used with more than one Major Program, The following can be entered as the Validation on a Configurable Rule record: this.isNotUniqueFederalAidProjNum() == true. |
Grant ID Grant ID Name |
When a Major Program began in Grant Lifecycle Management as a Grant Opportunity, this field records the Grant ID that was created with the awarding of that grant. This Grant ID field is discussed further in the Grant Lifecycle Management User Guide. |
Highway Project Fields |
A number of optional self-explanatory fields exist to classify work done at specific locations. Many of these have corresponding fields at lower levels within the Cost Accounting structure and are used where most appropriate. |
Internal Vendor |
When a Major Program is reimbursable, this optional vendor established on the Vendor Customer reference page as an internal vendor will be used in the creation of internal transactions for reimbursement from other departments. |
Overhead COA |
A collection of chart account fields that are available to overlay a value from an original expenditure selected for overhead when recording the overhead on a Charge transaction. A field left blank here will not blank out the corresponding value from the expenditure. A COA value from an expenditure is only cleared if the special value of BLNK is entered here on Major Program. |
Overhead Eligible Overhead Redirection Overhead Default Rate |
When there is an agreement with a funding source that a portion of overhead can be billed for reimbursement, the Overhead Eligible indication should be set to true. When overhead charges should be recorded with all of the same chart of account elements of the original expenditure, the Overhead Redirection indication should be set to false. When set to true, the values on the Overhead COA fields will be used to overlay a corresponding value found on the original expenditure for the recording of overhead. |
Reclass Exclusion |
An indication that when true means that the Cost Accounting Reclassification system process will not review records with the Major Program for reclassification. |
Reimbursement Exclusion |
An indication that when true means that the Cost Accounting Reimbursement Selection process will not review records with the Major Program for reimbursement eligibility. |
Reimbursement Status Reimbursement Budget |
When a Major Program is reimbursable:
When a Major Program is not reimbursable:
The “Reimbursement ” topic contains more information on these settings. |
Reporting Basis |
This field impacts the timing of when Program Period is inferred onto accounting transactions and works in conjunction with the Program Period Inference and the Service Date Severity settings on the Transaction Control reference page. The valid values include:
Please see the "Example Scenarios" topic at the end of the Program Period reference page for a working example of each. |
Split Type |
An indication of how funding split will occur for the Major Program. Valid values are:
The Split Type can be defaulted for the initial entry using the Default Split Type (DFLT_MJPROG_SPLT_TYP) parameter on Application Parameter (APPCTRL). |
Stage Definition |
An indication that when true enforces staging to be established in order to control processing against the Major Program. |
Streamlined Task Order Billing |
An indication that controls where the billing rules are defined for the Major Program. If false, the Reimbursement Status, Reimbursement Output Type, and Seller/Buyer accounting details are set up at Funding Lines and Internal Buyer Funding Lines. This is the most common setting. When set to true, the Reimbursement Status, Reimbursement Output Type, and Seller/Buyer accounting details are set up on the Task Order and Task Order Buyer Line(s). |