Program Period

The Program Period (PPC) reference page establishes the funding years of the external funding source of a Major Program so that different years of funding can be tracked and spending from the oldest funding occurs first. The representation of the Federal Fiscal Year from October through September is the most commonly used to represent federal grants, but others can be defined (e.g. State Fiscal Years, calendar years, etc.).

Other funding information can be defined such as the Federal Catalog Number, the Federal Appropriation Number, SEFA ID, External Organization Number, etc. The Funding identification data such as the Federal Appropriation data can change from one year to another. See Define Federal Agency Codes for more information on defining Funding Identification information.

Specific inference logic exists in CGI Advantage Financial to automatically populate the Program Period on accounting transactions based on the entry of other dates and fields in the transaction. The special inference logic is a weak inference: if a value is entered or if inferred from an accounting template, the specialized inference will not replace that value. The inference logic for a Program Period is as follows when a value has not been supplied manually or with an inference:

  1. The system reads the Transaction Control (DCTRL) reference page for the Program Period Inference rule for how to proceed. Please refer to the "Transaction Control" topic in the Financial Administration User Guide for more information on how the different settings will work.

  2. The system selects records on the Program Period reference page for the Department and Major Program on the accounting line.

  3. The system then compares the Record Date or Service From date of the transaction and determines which Program Period applies by using the Program Period Infer From and To dates.

  4. If there is no match, then the system issues an error. Either the date used on the transaction has to be changed or a value has to be manually entered.

Note: If the Reporting Basis field of the Major Program is set to Prohibited for the selected Major Program, then Program Period Inference is not performed since a value is not allowed in the Program Period field.

Example Scenarios


Field Information