CH Delivered Transaction Codes

The Charge (CH) Transaction has several Transaction Codes that can be utilized by Cost Allocation (see below). For more information on the Transaction Codes listed below and the full list of CH Transaction Codes, please refer to the "Charge (CH) Transaction Type" topic in the CGI Advantage Cost Accounting User Guide.   


Transaction Code

Indented Use

Cost Allocation


The Cost Allocation (CA) Transaction Code uses the fCA layout. This layout is a variant of the one used by the CH transaction type except for one difference:

Bank is displayed because it is inferred for each fund so that the Cash balance sheet account can infer.

Cost Allocation Protection


The Cost Allocation Protected (CAP) Transaction Code uses the fCA2 layout, which is the same as the fCA layout except all fields other than Line Amount are protected. This layout prohibits users with modification authority from adjusting the allocation, so that if the allocation were done in error it should be reversed and allocated again.